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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for over 5k reads on this book it means a lot ❤️❤️❤️)


You had know Pavel since before you could even remember, probably before you were even born, you see, your parents had known one another for years and after they both got pregnant they spent more and more time together till they became the best of friends. The cool part was that one day, they were out on a lovely picnic when you and Pavel both decided that you wanted to see the world as well.

A few hours later, you and Pavel were born within minutes of each other, Pavel being just slightly older than you. After that you practically grew up together, you never moved away from one another because your parents just couldn't bare to split up the "twins". You and Pavel ended up doing everything together, crawl, walk, eat, cycle, cry, laugh...however, what you didn't expect was that you'd be going through a break up together, not from each other, but coincidentally, your ex and Pavel's ex decided to cheat on you with each other, you were both heart broken when you found out and as usual, turned to each other for support, you hugged one another, and cried, a ate comfort food and watched romantic films just to criticise how unrealistic they the end of it, you both had some how managed to forget why you had been crying and ended up laughing and giggling like when your were both little. It was nice having Pavel around, knowing that he would never leave you and you would never leave him. No matter what happened in this world, you'd always have each other and that's all that mattered to both of you, knowing you had someone you could count on.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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