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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


You woke up and got out of bed, you looked to the other side of the bed to see your sleeping husband, Kirk, you thought about waking him up but then you remembered that today was his day off...this also prompted you to realise that today was supposed to be your due date, today would hopefully be the day you met you baby. The thought of your family going from two to three people excited you but it also terrified you, not the baby itself but the delivering of the baby, you didn't know what it would be like and there was no one on the enterprise you were comfortable enough to ask, Bones had told you it wouldn't be as bad as I imagine but I didn't really trust his judgement because he's never given birth to a small human before.

You put your doubts to the back of your mind and decided to get dressed, since you had been given maternity leave you just put on some comfy normal clothes and decided to watch a movie on your PADD. You looked through the selection of movies and decided on the film UP since it always cheers you up, about halfway through the movie you noticed Jim sitting up, he stood up and walked over to you and kissed your head before he went and got dressed. After putting on some casual clothes he sat beside you and watched the rest of the movie.

"Good Morning Sleepyhead"

"Good's the baby???"

"Been kicking a bit but hasn't decided to meet everyone yet"

Jim then put a hand on your bump.

"Haff you been kicking your mummy???"

You couldn't help but smile at the way he talked to the baby, it was so adorable. When you first realised you were pregnant, you were terrified of telling Jim, you were worried that having a baby would make Jim leave you for someone else, someone who wasn't knocked up. When you told him you were half expecting him to break up with you and tell you to he didn't want anything the baby but he did the exact opposite, he wanted to be there for you and the baby. You loved how dedicated he was to being a great dad.

The rest of the day was similar to the morning, you and Kirk watched movies and the baby decided that kicking was more fun than being born, you started to think that maybe junior wasn't going to make an appearance today but you were wrong, you were lying in bed ready to go to sleep since it was night time when you felt your water break. You shouted on Jim and he called Bones immediately, within an hour you were sitting in the Medbay waiting for the time you'd have to start pushing.

When the time came to push you realised just how much you didn't want to do this part, you were scared. Jim held your hand and kept telling you that everything was gonna be okay. You focused on what he was telling you and you pushed, some after you heard the cry of your baby, both you and Jim started to cry at the fact you'd done it, your baby was here.

"Congratulations you's a boy"

You took your baby boy from bones and held him close to your, you couldn't believe that he was yours, you had a was incredible, you looked to Jim and held out the baby for him to hold, he gladly took him and just started happily into his eyes.

"What are we going to call him???"

"I was thinking something like...George...what do you think???"

"I think it's perfect...George Kirk...I love it"

"Me too..."

This was perfect, your family was now made up of three people and you couldn't be more happy with life.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now