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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


*Kirk's POV*

Usually when I get to my chair on the bridge, I am greeted by the gorgeous smile of (Y/N), and if always cheers me up and makes me ready to face the day, but today when I walked onto the bridge her station was empty. I knew it was no big deal, after all she was only human, I couldn't expect her to be here before me all the time, but that didn't make my heart feel any better...I missed her...but I knew she would be here eventually, I just needed to be patient and then I'd see her.

I waited...and waited...and waited...but she didn't come. I started to get concerned as to where she might be, I asked anyone and everyone if they had seen her, but no-one was then I decided that during my break, I would go look for her...I just need to know she was ok.

I tried to wait calmly and patiently for break to start but the longer I sat there, the more I worried about what had happened to (Y/N). What had happened to make her unable to go to work...the worst case scenarios started to play in my head and I knew I couldn't stay sitting any longer...I had to see her...

I raced out of my chair and through the hallways until I was standing outside her door. I knocked it gently and prayed that she'd be there...

"It's open..."

The door slid open and I tentatively walked in...the further into her quarters I got the more awkward I felt as I realised, I'd never actually met (Y/N)...I had overheard her talking and had managed to piece together some information about her but apart from that, the only interaction we had was that she smiled at me every morning...but then, she probably does that for everyone who walks on to the bridge. I suddenly became aware of just how weird this must, going after someone I barely know, just because she wasn't there to smile at me this morning.

I thought about just turning around and leaving...pretending that none of this ever happened but it was to late now...she knew there was someone in her quarters, if no-one came to she her...she probably get freaked I don't turn around, I keep going...

I made it into her bedroom and found her curled up under her duvet...she was surrounded by tissues and at first I was worried that she was upset about something but then she started to sneeze uncontrollably and I concluded that she must have had a cold. After she finished sneezing, she looked up at me and smiled...her smile instantly made me feel happy and warm was weird, what she could do to me with just a single smile.

"Hey (Y/N)...I noticed that you weren't at work this morning...I thought I'd just check if you were ok..."

"*achoo* I'm ok...I guess...I'm just a little sick is all...but I have to admit, seeing your face, has cheered me right up"

"I'm glad I could, have you seen a doctor at all???"

"Yeah...Bones was in here earlier...he told me just to rest up...but it's really boring just laying here..."

"Well...why don't I stay here with you..."

"I couldn't ask you to do that have work anyway..."

"Listen, I'm staying can wait because you need a friend...and I want to be that friend..."

"I'm not gonna be able to talk you out of this am I???"

", how about I make some always makes me feel better when I'm ill..."

"It sounds wonderful..."

So I made my way to the kitchen and started making some felt like me and (Y/N) were gonna become really good friends now...


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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