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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for over 29k reads on this book, it means a lot ❤️❤️❤️)


Dear Jim...that's how it all see, it was Valentine's Day, and like every other year...I was going to be single and alone, but I didn't want that...I wanted to find someone to love me...someone to care about me. It wasn't to hard thinking of someone to chose, it was obvious, I had been crushing on Jim Kirk since the two of us were at the academy...he was just so handsome and smart and his eyes were to die for...there was just one problem...he didn't seem to notice that I existed. You see, I'm not what you would call a popular kid, in fact, I'm quite the opposite...I've never really been able to fit in with anyone and so I usually end up being ignored by my peers, including my crushes...but you see, that's all they'd ever if Kirk would ever go for a nobody like me...

I decided to write an anonymous letter to Jim, telling him how I felt about him...that way I could tell him how I felt without the pain of rejection and humiliation...anyway, the letter went a bit like this...

Dear Jim,

You probably have no idea who I am but rest assure I know you. I need to tell you how I feel about you so basically, I'm in love with you. I've been in love with you for a while now but I realise that we are worlds apart and you'd never go for someone like me. I just wanted to let you know.

No-one Important

I posted the letter to him...after that, I dropped the subject, if he ever read it then he'd probably not do anything about it...and if he did, he'd probably ask the cool girls and in turn, one of them would claim it was their letter and so I'd be ignored as usual and my sad life would continue as normal.

It was around midday, while working at my station something out of the ordinary happened. I was sitting working when all of a sudden my vision was blocked by what appeared to be a pair of hands...which made me paranoid since I have no friends...

"Guess who..."

I knew instantly who it was...and this made my heart almost was Jim, I could tell from the gorgeous voice. I could feel my face burning with embarrassment as I froze in my seat...did he know I sent the letter or was this just a spontaneous moment of madness...some how I doubted the latter option...


" did you know???"

"Uhh...w...what are you...uhh...what are you doing here???"

"Well...this morning...I received a letter..."

"Really?! How nice..."

"That's what I thought when I read it but there was one problem...there vas no name of the sender..."


", I decided that I would find the sender by comparing hand writing..."

"And how's that working out for you???"

"Well I found a paper that matches, perfectly..."

"Lucky you..."

"Yeah...I'm really lucky...lucky that the girl I love is in love with me too...(Y/N)...why didn't you tell me sooner..."

"Because...your, you!!! And I'm...well I'm..."


"I'm a freak and a loner...there's nothing perfect about that..."

"There is to me...(Y/N)...I love you, so much...and I think your, will you be my valentine???"

"A...are you serious?!"

"Of course I am...I can't to be able to call you, what do you think???"

"I think...that I'd love to be yours..."


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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