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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


I had been sitting calmly in my room, reading my book when I heard the door open...I looked around to see who had entered, but there was no-one. I decided that the door must be faulty and that there was no need to be alarmed and so, I returned to reading my book.

A few pages later, I heard running water...I instantly got up and walked into the bathroom, expecting to see someone, but once again...there was no-one...just a running tap. I turned the tap off and made a note to get Scotty to come and fix the tap and the door. I left the bathroom and sat back down to continue with my book.

I got to the point in my reading that I became transfixed in the fictional world, so transfixed that I got the biggest scare of my life when a bucket of ice cold water was poured over my head. I was instantly snapped back into reality...I accidentally sent my book flying across the room as I jumped up from my chair, I turned to see who had thrown the water but I found no-one...only an empty bucket.

By this point I was very aware of the fact someone was watching me...someone was in my quarter...I slowly made my way over to my book and picked it up, I hugged it close to me as I hesitantly made my way over to my bedroom. I opened the door and was scared senseless as I came face to face with a clown...I screamed at the top of my lubbers and ended up falling to the ground in a failed attempt to escape towards the front door.

The clown took a step forward which made me scream even louder, if it was even possible. As I screamed I began to hear what sounded like laughing...I stopped screaming and realised it was in fact, the clown that was laughing it's head was in that moment that I noticed the clown was wearing a old shirt...and that it was in fact, someone wearing a clown mask. The mystery person began to lift the mask and it was revealed that this horrible person was in fact your boyfriend...Jim.

"What the hell Jim!!!"

"Oh that was should have seen your face..."

"It isn't funny you git...I was seriously scared there..."

"That was the idea (Y/N)..."

"Whatever...if this is your idea of fun, then count me out...we're over..."

"Aww babe, come on...I'm sorry...I promise I'll never scared you like this again...just please don't leave me..."

"Tell me why I should let you into my life when all you do is scare me..."

"Because...I love you with all my heart...and I know you love me I right..."

"I suppose...but I swear to god, if you do that again..."

"I know, I know...I promise I won't do it again...I love you..."

"I love you too...I suppose..."

"Can you here how immature you sound right now???"

"I'm immature??? Says the guy who just scared me with a clown mask..."

"Fair enough...but I do love you...more than know that right???"

"I know...and I love you too...just promise you'll never again prank me..."

"What, never ever???..."

"Never ever..."


"Thank you..."


"Now who's immature???"

"Shut up..."


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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