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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


Today was the day I got see, for the past few day all my pens have disappeared, so...I'm gonna prank whoever keeps taking them. Now, I set up a camera in front of my desk to try and catch the pen stealer in action...and I was none other than our very own dr grumpy. Well today he was probably gonna become dr angry but no one steals my stuff and gets away with it...not even my boyfriend Leo...

I got up early and headed to the medbay, I was so early that the night shift workers were still there...I walked over to my desk and began assembling my masterpiece. As I worked, I got a few odd looks from people, but it didn't bother me because by now, I'd gotten used to the looks. By the time my shift actually started, my plan was in place...I set the camera to record and got on with my shift.

A few hours later, Leo arrived to start his shift. He walked over to me and kissed my head before heading to his office. When he came out of his office, I became really excited and had to try with all my effort, not to jump for joy at what was about to happen. I busied myself with the hypos infront of me and from the corner of my eye, could see Bones heading over to my desk. I turned slowly to watch what he did and sure enough, he went to grab a pen, he got closer and closer to the pen...

"Dr McCoy...we need you help..."


Everyone turned to me after my little out burst...I stood there frozen...trying desperately to think of something to say...

"Sorry...I'm practising my evil villain being defeated moment...carry on..."

I turned around quickly and busied myself once again...evil villain defeat moment?! Seriously...that's the best you could come up with brain?!

About an hour or two later, Leo returned back to my desk, I was treating a redshirt as I watched him get closer once again to the pen...

"Leonard...can you take a look at this..."


Once again everyone turned to me...I froze again...why the hell did I keep doing this to myself...bad (Y/N)!!!

"Uhh...still practicing, don't worry..."


This was supposed to be embarrassing for Leo...not me!!!

After a few minutes, Leo returned to my desk, this time he got so close to the pen that he was touching it...I watched in anticipation...but then he moved away and was about to turn away but I'd had enough of this nonsense.

"Leo...what the hell!!!"

"What have I done???"

"Why haven't you taken any of my pens yet?! You always steal my's not that hard to take you know...just pick it up..."

Unfortunately i ended up demonstrating my words...and I picked up the pen...

"Uh oh..."

I stood there as paint dropped from the ceiling, before feathers and confetti were fired on the me...all before I heard the click of a camera...

"Oh my...darlin' are you ok???"

"Oh I'm fine...totally fine...I'm a-okay..."

"Do I sense sarcasm..."

"Of course you sense sarcasm...why the hell would I intentionally do this to myself Leo!!!"

" did this?!"

"Obviously genius...but it was supposed to be for you...but you kept walking off..."

"All this over a pen???"

"Not just any pen..."

"Listen darlin'...I'm sorry for taking your pen...I promise I'll never take it again..."


"Now why don't we go and get you cleaned look terrible..."


"I'm sorry but it's true...but don't worry, I still love you..."


"I know you love me too..."

"Shut up..."

"Come on...admit it..."

"Fine...I love you too..."

" lets go get you cleaned up"


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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