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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


We'd been married for almost 20 years now...we had gotten engaged not long after graduating high school and had been together since. We were high school sweethearts...couple goals you might say...we thought we'd be together forever, but now we're here...

Leo and I had been arguing a lot lately, mainly about stupid things, but today we ended up arguing about everything...and I mean the end, he stormed out the house, but just before he did I heard him mumble how I'd stole 20 years of his soon as the door shut behind him, I knew he was right...I fell to the floor in a flood of tears. We'd turned each other again one another because we'd stolen the last 20 years from one another. The loving man I met all those years ago...the man I married, gone...and it was my fault...

I dried my tears before heading up to our bedroom...I went into the wardrobe and pulled out my suitcase, I filled it with all my clothes and possessions before heading back down the stairs. As I got into the hall, the door opened and there in the door way stood Leo...his eyes were red and puffy like mine, I knew he'd been crying...

"What are you doing???"

"I'm leaving..."


"Cause we can't go on like this Leo...we'll end up hating each other..."

"Please don't go..."

"I had to...if I don't we are only going to drift apart...and if we do that, we may end up doing something we regret..."

"But I love you darlin'"

"And I love you too Leo...but you've changed...I've changed...we don't work anymore..."

"We can work through this..."

"Maybe we could...but then again, maybe we couldn't...and I'm to tired of fighting to find out..."

"Don't leave me..."

"Goodbye Leo..."

I trying to push past him but he didn't move, he just wrapped his arms around me and held onto me...scared to let go for fear of me leaving...we were both in tears as I struggled out of his grip, but he was to the end we fell to the floor and he held me as we cried...and cried. Even when we stopped crying we still sat there neither wanting the moment to end because whether you liked it or both knew this wouldn't work, and that you'd have to go...

"I love you..."

"I know..."

"Your still leaving aren't you..."

"I have to..."

"Why don't we just take a break for a while...give each other some space..."

"I don't think that's going to work..."

"We at least have to try right???...please don't throw 20 years away like it meant nothing..."

"I suppose we can try..."

"Thank you..."

"Don't thank me yet...I have to go now..."

"Come back when your ready...I'll be waiting..."

"Will you???"

"I promise I will..."

"I love you Leo..."

"I love you too darlin'"

Leo kissed the top of my head before letting me go...I grabbed my suitcase and walked outside and into my car, I drove to my sisters house and didn't look back...I knocked on her door and when she opened it I just started crying and she instantly pulled me into a hug...I told her everything that had happened and she just held me...

"You can stay here as long as you'll get through this (Y/N)...don't worry"

"But what if we don't..."


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now