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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


Leonard McCoy has been my best friend since our first day at Starfleet academy. Since the first day I saw him I have been hopelessly I love with him, he's perfect, he's kind and caring not to mention the fact he is seriously adorable, the only thing is I have appeared to be friend-zoned but I'm okay with that cause having him as a friend is better than not having him at all.

After the academy both me and Bones were assigned to the starship enterprise, Bones as CMO and me as a nurse, since joining the enterprise we have been on countless missions lead by Captain Kirk, right now we are currently in the first year of a 5 year mission to explore the universe, so far all we have done is discovered a few new planets and recorded as much data about the planet as we can. The Captain has just been beamed aboard after another successful mission and was being check over to make sure he was still healthy.

"Can you hand me that hypo darlin'???"

There he goes again with that adorable accent, every time he speaks I feel a knot form in my stomach, I just wish I could tell him how I feel about him but if he didn't feel the same way I could loss my best friends...that thought terrified me, the captain seemed to notice the change in my attitude...

"(Y/N)?...are you okay? gone extremely pale...Bones maybe you should check her first and I'll come back some other time..."

"Jim your not getting ou...dear god (Y/N), your as white as a sheet, quick, sit down..."

As Bones became engrossed in you, Jim made a quick get away...the captain knew how I felt about Bones and always liked to use it so that I would get embarrassed and blush, he seemed to find amusement in it.

Bones checked you over and found nothing wrong with you, went to get back to work when Bones grabbed your arm.

"(Y/N) wait...I have to tell you something, I can't keep it from you anymore..."

"Go ahead"


"Just spit it out already..."

"I'm in love with you (Y/N)...I understand if you don't feel the same way but..."

I cut him off my putting my lips on his, it felt so good to kiss him, his hands went to my hips as he took over and deepened the kiss, I put my hands round his neck and started to play with his hair...the kiss eventually stopped due to us both being human and requiring oxygen but we didn't let go of each other.

"I have wanted that to happen for so long."

"Me too."

"Does this mean you'd want to be my girlfriend now?"


We both giggled before returning to kissing once more.

I didn't end up going back to work and neither did Bones that day, instead we went to my quarters and watched movies while cuddling together. It was the best day of my life. To know that Bones was mine and I was his...the next 4 years of this mission were made a lot more attractive to know that Leo would be there beside couldn't get better than this.


Hope you enjoyed it. 

Requests are open

~Clo X

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