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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for over 13k reads on this book ❤️❤️❤️)


Currently, you and your boyfriend Bones were participating in a staring contest, the medbay had been quite for once and so was very boring for the majority of the day so this was your way of entertainment.

"Your gonna lose Leo"

"I don't think so darlin'"

"If your so sure then let's make this more interesting..."

"I'm listening"

"If I win...I get to be in charge of the medbay for the day."

"What?! I can't let you run this's a complex and stressful job..."

"Well if your so confident you won't lose then what's the problem?"

"Fine, if you win you can be in charge for the day...but if I win, you have to do anything I want for a day."

You could tell by the way he smile, you knew what he meant 😉😉😉, but as much fun as that would be, it would be more fun being in charge of the medbay so you don't back down and just keep staring him down. After what feels like hours, he caves and you win!!!

"Yay!!! I win!!! In your face grumpy!!!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever..."

" someone a sad loser???"

"I am not a sad loser (Y/N)"

"I think you are...but I think I know how to cheer you up."

You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. At first he tried to resist but eventually he kissed back and slipped his tongue in your mouth. You let his tongue dominate your mouth to try and help his shattered stopped kissing when you realised that, although the medbay wasn't busy, there were still people there. Leo took your hand and led you to the door and to his quarters, once the door to his quarters was shut, Leo returned his lips to yours, he lifted you up and your wrapped your legs around his waist. You both had a lot of fun 😉😉😉.

*timeskip brought to you by the pointy ears of a hobgoblin*

You lay cuddled up to Leo in bed, he was stroking your hair while your head was on his chest listening to his heartbeat.

"I love you (Y/N)"

"I love you too Leo...but nothing will change the fact that tomorrow I will be ruler of the medbay"


"Your stupid if you thought sleeping with me would make me forget that"

"You have to was worth a try"

"Your an idiot...but your my idiot, and I love you"

You kissed again before you both drifted into sleep.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now