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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


When you were 5 years old, your mum gave birth to your little sister, Rain. The first time you saw her adorable little face, you knew you'd have to protect her, to show her the ropes, teach her everything you knew about life and how to bug your were so excited to see her grow up.

When you were 18, your parents were in a car accident, a drunk driver had been speeding away from police cars and in the process of trying to get away, had smashed into your parents car and instantly killed them. At the time, you had been looking after Rain at home, your parents had gone out for a date together and you had offered to look after your sister. Your parents were due back at 10pm so you and Rain had stayed up to watch a movie waiting for them to get home. When it got to 11pm and they still weren't home, you had sent Rain to bed as it was a school night.

11pm turned into 12am which turned into 2am and there was no sign of your mum or dad and there never would 3am a police officer knocked at your door, you rushed to open it thinking it was your parents and they had just forgot their key but you were gravely disappointed.

"Are you Miss (Y/L/N)???"


"I'm afraid there's been an accident..."

The hardest part of that day wasn't the fact you'd been orphaned, yes, you would grieve but you knew you would eventually not feel so much pain...the real heart breaking thing for you was the fact you had to tell you 13 year old sister, she'd never see her parents again...she'd never here them say I love you...or have them go to her dance recitals. Rain took the news hard...and to be honest, you don't think she'd ever really recovered from the news...

Moving to the present day and you were sitting in the cafeteria of the Enterprise with your baby sister opposite you and a certain Russian wiz-kid sitting beside her...they had just told you they were getting were in shock because that wiz-kid, Chekov just happened to be your ex-boyfriend, who you dated before Rain was assigned to the ship. Pavel had broke your heart after he chose his work over your relationship...he couldn't commit into a serious relationship and you didn't want him hurting your baby sis.

"You're what?!"

"Me and Pavel...we're getting married"

"Your kidding right???"

"No...why would we joke about that??? We're in love..."

"Sure you are...Chekov sister!!!"

"(Y/N), I svear I didn't know she waz your zizter till today..."

" two already know each other???"

"Rain, do you remember that guy I told you about...the one that left me because he was busy trying to expand his career..."

"Yeah, what about him???"

"He's your darling fiancé...didn't he tell you???"

Rain turned to look at Chekov, they didn't exchange words but your could see the hurt in Rain's eyes and the guilt on Chekov's face...Rain then took her engagement ring off before running away in tears. You would have gone after her but you knew she needed time alone...

"Of all the people you could have on this ship...why my sister???"

"I told you, I didn't know you vere zizterz till today...if I had knowvn..."

"What would you have done if you had of known??? Hmm???"

"I...I...I don't know..."

" know what just stay away from me and my sister okay???"

"Anyzhing you zay (Y/N)"

"Can you stop saying my name like's weird"

"How iz it veird???"

"Because i am mad at you..."

"Zo vhat doez me zaying your name haff anyzhing to do vith you being mad???"

" know what just leave me alone, okay"

"No, no, no...I vant know, vhy doez me zaying your name bozher you zo much..."

"It's just the way you say know what, just leave me alone..."

"I zhink it'z becauze your jealouz..."

"Jealous of what exactly???"

"Ze fact zhat ve broke up and vhile you've been pining ower me, I found zomevone elze..."

"Don't flatter yourself Pasha..."

"You know, you only ewer called me Pazha vhen ve vere going out...before and after zhat, you called me Chekov"

"Just go away..."

You stood up and headed to the door of the cafeteria.

"You could haff anozher go at going out if you vanted..."

"I'm your dreams Pavel..."

"Ve vill be togezher again (Y/N)...I zvear"


You left the cafeteria and once you got outside the door you felt your heart'd never gotten over Chekov and a small part of you was glad he wanted to get back together but another part of your felt weird knowing he was about to marry your sister and know she was crying about the break up...only time would tell if you and Pasha would ever get together again...


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now