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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


You were 9 months pregnant and were due to have your baby any day now, not being allowed to work was starting to take its toll on you, you had nothing to do all day but sit and wait for something to happen. You were lying on your bed reading a pregnancy book for the 4th time that day when you had an idea, instead of sitting here on your own, why not go to the bridge and see your husband, Pavel, surely he wouldn't be too busy.

You were walking to the bridge when you felt a pain in your stomach, at first you thought nothing of it but then it got worse to the point were you were now sitting on the floor in agony. You panicked about what to do but then you remembered your communicator, you took it out and called Pavel...he didn't answer. You thought for a bit and then tried your brother, Bones, luckily he picked up.

"Hey (Y/N), what's up???"

"Leo I need your help...I can't find Pavel and I'm scared..."

"Woah, calm down...where are you???"

"I'm just outside supply closet 63..."

"Okay, hold on, I'll be there as quick as I can...hang in there darlin'"

You sat there waiting...the pain stopped for a bit but then it came back, you were really scared, what if something happened to the baby??? You heard someone running down the hall and luckily it was Bones. He crouched down beside you explained what happened, he then called for the Medbay to come and in no time at all, they arrived and soon you were lying on a bed with Bones using a tricord to determine what had happened. Leo also kept trying to get Pavel but he still wasn't answering so Leo sent Carol to go look for him. He kissed your head and tried to comfort you, Bones finished her tests and told you that you were I fact going into labour.

You were taken into a private room were you would give birth. Bones had another doctor come in and help, he told you it was time for you to start pushing but instead you just cried, how could you do this alone??? You needed someone...where was Pavel??? Usually he wasn't this hard to find. You were nervous about going through this alone. Leo had been with you the whole time and was trying her best to comfort you. Eventually you gained enough courage to push.

It was really hard giving birth, it drained you of all your energy...Leo was holding your hand giving you words of encouragement but it wasn't the same as having Pavel with you. Pavel always knew how to make you feel better, the two of you had a weird connection that meant you knew how to deal with each other but when you needed him most he wasn't were trying not to be too mad at him but you would be having words with him later.

You were drained off all your energy but then you heard a magical sound that made all the pain and tiredness vanish, you heard the cry of your baby.

"Congratulations, it's a girl"

The doctor handed you your baby girl, you could feel tears rolling down your checks, she was so cute, she was perfect...she was your daughter. You stroked her cheek with your and she held your finger in her little hand, that melted your heart. You then noticed the door opening and in walked Pavel.

"You took your time"

He walked over to you and you could see tears in his eyes as he looked down at the baby.

"I'm zo zorry I wazn't here...I vaz in engineering...I vorgot to take my communicator vith me"

"Well your here now...say hello to your daughter"

" daughter"

" you want to hold her???"

He was lost for words so he just nodded, you carefully handed him your little girl and watched as the two of them bonded, it was adorable, you found yourself crying once again.

"So...what should we call her???"

"Vhat do you vant to call her???"

"What about???..."

You thought for a moment, you wanted to pick the right name for her.

"...what about Emma???"

"It'z perfect...Emma (Y/N) Chekov"

"I love you..."

"I lowve you too"

You took Emma back into your arms and kissed Pavel. The door then re-opened and in walked Bones. When he saw Emma in your arms he cried as he walked over to you.

"Uncle Leo, meet your niece Emma"

"She's gorgeous (Y/N)... You two made a good looking kid...can I hold her???"


You handed Leo the baby and let them spend some time together meanwhile Pavel came and sat beside you. He put an arm around you and kissed the side of your head.

"I'm wery proud of you"

"I wish you were here when she was being born...I really needed you"

"I know...but you did vere zo brave"

When you married Pavel, you thought that your life was complete you didn't realise it was missing was missing a beautiful baby for the two of you to care wasn't until today you realised that this was what a perfect live was, you, Paveland little Emma. Your perfect little family.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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