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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by @Unwanted-Flower :can you do a kirk x reader where the reader gets pregnant on a , what she/he thinks, was a one night stand? and the reader is spocks brother but shows more emotion than he

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


"Umm, Spock???"


"I need to tell you something..."

"Is it possible to postpone this discussion to a later date???"

"Not really..."

"Then I shall give you my undivided attention...please speak your mind dear sister..."

"Spock...I'm pregnant..."

"I fail to see how this could have happened..."

"Please don't be mad at me..."

"I am not mad...however I feel I must know who the father of your child is immediately..."

"He's not important..."

"If he is, as you put it, not important then what is there to stop you in telling me his name..."

"What's stopping me from telling you, is you...I know what your like'll be fine but as soon as I tell you who the father is, you'll rip Kirk's head off..."

"I do not see how our Captain is of any relevance to this situation..."

"Give it a minute..."

Within seconds, Spock was out the door...he was either doing one of two things, 1. Away to lock himself in a room till he's calm again...or 2. He's away to kill Jim for getting his sister pregnant...I found myself running after Spock because I was sure he was about to do the latter option of my choices and I knew that wouldn't end well.

I didn't exactly mean for this to was just one night, I didn't think anything would come of it, but obviously I was wrong. I had been walking past the bridge late one night, Jim was walking out after having just finished his shift. We bumped into one another and got to thing lead to another and the next thing I know, I was waking up in his bed. We hadn't really spoke since that day, not because we were avoiding each other but because that one night didn't mean anything and so we didn't need to talk to each other.

I eventually found my brother and just as I suspected...he had found Jim, I knew he definitely had found him because he was currently being held in a headlock by Spock.

"Spock what the hell are you doing to Jim???"

"I am expressing my anger towards him...was that not clear???"

"Oh it's clear get off him..."

Spock let go of Jim who stood up straight and fixed his hair and clothes.

"What was that all about?!"

"Jim, I had to tell you something..."

"Sure...what's up???"

"I'm I know you will probably want nothing to do with the baby but..."

"Hold on...why would I want nothing to do with the baby???"

"So you do want to be part of the babies life???"

"Of course...if your having my child, I want to be there for both of you...if you'll let me..."

"Of course I'll let is your baby after all..."

What surprised me then was the fact that I was pulled into a hug with Jim but it wasn't him who had started the had been Spock...

"Spock??? You ok???"

"I am just so glad that you two can solve this is a mature and rational manner...I am very proud of you both and believe you will make amazing parents..."

"Thanks Spock..."

"Yeah...thanks Spock..."
So their we all, Jim and Spock...all hugging as the odd family that we know were...


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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