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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


"(Y/N)??? You here???"

"Yeah...what's up???"

"I brought someone, come meet them..."


"(Y/N)...this is..."



"Wait a two know each other???"

"Yeah, we work together at Starfleet...Ruth, he's the guy I told you know..."

"Oh, Pavel's that guy..."

"Vhat do you mean zhat guy???"

"Nothing Ruth, how exactly do you know Pavel???"

"Well you know how I was trying to find you a boyfriend..."

"You still playing matchmaker???"

" anyway, there's a guy I know who said he knew a guy about your I thought I'd bring him over to meet you..."

"Who's the other guy you know???"

"No one important..."

"Jim Kirk???"

"How did you know that?!"

"Because the attitude you gave me told me that you slept with the guy and he didn't call you back...sounds like Jim"

"He's done that before..."

"He does it to most people...don't worry to much about it..."

"He's such a jerk...anyway, if you two work together, how come you haven't hooked up yet???"

"Vell I vas actually to nerwous to talk to (Y/N)...I zhought she'd newver go out vith me anyvay..."

"Aww Pasha...there was no need to be nervous...if you'd asked me out, I'd have said yes..."


"Of course...who would say no to you?! Come on, you hot, intelligent and you accent is just so amazing..."

"Iz it too late to azk???"

"It's never too late Pasha..."

"Vell zhen...(Y/N)...vill you go out vith me???"

"I'd love to Pasha..."

"Aww...young love..."

"Ruth...just shhh..."

"Okay...I'll leave you two to be all cute together..."

"Ruth, your ruining the moment..."

"Sorry, sorry...I'm going...remember to use protection..."


"See ya..."

"She remindz me of ze keptin..."

"They are freakishly similar..."

"Can I zay zomezing..."


"I lowve you..."

"Aww Pasha...I love you too..."


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

-Clo X

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