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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by @sayantani1d :Okay I have a request: Reader likes Kirk but doesn't tell anyone because he is a womaniser. Uhura wants to set reader up with Bones and this makes kirk jealous. He confesses his feelings and promises never to lay his eyes on any other woman.

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


Working on the enterprise was once a dream of yours, a dream that died not long after you started working aboard it, the reason you didn't like it anymore??? Simple, Jim Kirk. He was the captain of the enterprise, and hottest man around...and you'd fallen for his charm which made working on his ship that little bit harder. It wasn't the fact that he'd never date you, it was the fact that he'd go for anything female with a pulse...he was a player and a womaniser and you couldn't deal with the possibility that if you did date Jim, there was a likely chance he'd cheat on you without a second thought...

*knock* *knock* *knock*

"It's open!!!"

You looked to the door as it opened and saw Uhura walk in, Uhura had been your best friend since school, you two were like sisters...but oddly enough, you had never told her about your feelings towards Jim...

"Ah good your still up..."

"What's up Uhura..."

"Well, I was heading to my room when I bumped into a certain handsome gentleman..."


"Well he was telling me how he's been a bit lonely lately so...I set you up on a date with him..."

"By 'him' you mean???"



"Yes!!! Isn't it exciting..."

"No...I mean No!!!, I can't go on a date with Bones..."

"Why not???"


You couldn't think of a reason not to go, it wasn't as if your crush on Jim was going to stop you, you'd already decided that was a no really, you had no excuse not to go out with Bones...

"You know what Uhura...I will go on a date with sounds fun..."

"Well that's good cause I told him you would go already..."


"What?! He's lonely, your lonely..."

"Your lucky that I love you otherwise I'd slap you right now..."

"Aww...I love you too (Y/N) let's get you ready for your date..."

"Wait what???"

"Did I not mention??? It's in an hour..."


*timeskip brought to you by a cadet trying to save the bridge*

You looked in the mirror at your outfit and couldn't help think about if this date was a bad were soon dragged out of your thought by a knock at your door, you walked over to it and opened it, revealing a rather handsome Bones...there was a bit of small talk before Bones took your hand and lead you to the cafeteria. The two of you got some food before sitting down and talking about your lives.

About 20 minutes into the date, the door to the cafeteria opened and in walked the one person you hoped to not see...Jim. As he entered, you made eye contact before quickly looking in different directions, you tried to then concentrate on what Bones was saying but you were completely aware of the fact your crush was watching you go on a date with someone...

*Jim's POV*

As I walked into the cafeteria, the last thing I expected to see was Bones on a date, let alone with (Y/N)...I've always liked (Y/N), she isn't like other girls...usually girls practically throw themselves at me but (Y/N) doesn't...but I know she likes me, I always catch her looking at me...or does she catch me looking at her??? It doesn't matter...the point is, I like her...and I know she likes me...but I think I know why she won't make an advance on me...because she knows she's not the only one that would and she knows, as much as it ashames me, I'd cheat on anyone...but that's the thing...when I think of (Y/N), she's the only thing I think about...and I know that if I was lucky enough to date her...I wouldn't want, let alone need, anyone else...just her...I looked over at (Y/N) and noticed her and Bones about to leave, so I ran to her knowing I couldn't let her walk out that door and get away from me...


"Ahh, hello Captain..."

"Please...I've told you, call me Jim..."

"What can I do for you Jim???"

"Don't leave me..."

"Excuse me???"

"Don't walk out that door and leave me...(Y/N), I need you and only you...please be mine..."


"I know what your scared of but I promise that if you be mine...I'll never look at someone else, I need you, just one else..."

I stood there staring into her wonderful eyes and watched her thinking...but then she caught me off guard and kissed me...I kissed her back and we stayed like this for what felt like a lifetime but then we stopped to breath, with my hands on her waist and her hands around my neck, we stood looking into each other's eyes, not caring about who was staring at us...



"I love you..."

"I love you too..."


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now