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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for over 41k reads on this book, it means a lot ❤️❤️❤️)


"So if you square the on...where did Pi come into it???...ugh...this is hopeless..."

"Vhat'z wrong (Y/N)???"

"I've got a maths exam tomorrow...I've been trying to study but I just don't get it...I'm gonna fail"

"I'm zure zhat'z not true..."

"How'd you work that out???"

"Becauze your my zizter and I know vor a vact zhat your zmarter zhan you zhink..."

"Pavel, you can be so naive sometimes...I'm not you remember...and the only reason your so brainy is cause you were born that way...for me intelligence doesn't come so easily..."

"Ztop putting yourzelf down...your a zmart kid...ztart believing it..."

"Ok, this conversation isn't gonna help me attempt to study so if you don't mind Pav, I'm gonna get back to it..."

"I zhink I should ztay..."

"And how did you come up with that???"

"Becauze I hate to zee you zo ztrezzed and I vant to what is the question???"

*timeskip because we all know that keenser isn't the hard-working, equally starved starfleet officer cause he eats like a bean, and he's done*

"(Y/N), i believe I heard zhat your rezultz for your tezt are back...zo, how vell did you do???"

"Your a bit ahead of yourself are you not???"

"Well I know zhat you vill have pazzed..."

"Well...your were right!!! I passed!!!"

"That is exzellent newz...vhat'z your grade???"

"A+...I can't believe it...thank you..."

"I don't are you shanking me???"

"Well...if you hadn't of helped me that night...I would still be trying to do that question and failing thank you for being the best big brother ever..."

"Vell...I'm glad I could help..."

"I love you Pavel..."

"I lowve you too (Y/N)..."


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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