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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


You woke up to the sound of your baby crying, you got up and walked over to her crib and picked her up.

"Aww baby girl, what's up"

As soon as you picked her up but she continued to cry, you checked her nappy, it was still clean. You tried to feed her but she wasn't hungry, she continued to cry. You were now beginning to stress out over what was wrong with little Lila, being a single parent meant you had no-one else that could help calm her were concerned about what was wrong with her so you both quickly pulled on your uniforms and took her to the Medbay. When you entered the Medbay you ran to get Bones, you found him in his office.

"I thought I told you all not to... Oh (Y/N), it's you, what do you need???"

"Bones you gotta help's Lila, she won't stop crying and I dunno what to do..."

By this point you'd now broken down into a fit of tears.

"Woah woah, calm down...let me take a look at her

Bones picked Lila up out of your arms and hurried over to the nearest bed, you followed closely behind. Bones scanned Lila to see what was wrong.

"It appears that Lila has got a virus...nothing to serious but I'll need to give her a hypo to help her get better"

Bones got the hypo ready meanwhile you continued to cry, she was just a few months old, you hated seeing her get hypos, you knew how much they could sting and you hated knowing that you were putting your baby girl through so much pain. Bones could see how scared you were, he was scared to but decided to be strong for you, after giving Lila the hypo, he pulled you into a hug and kissed the top of your head, he glanced down at your daughter who was still crying on the bed, he just wanted her to get better for your sake.

Bones released you from the hug and instantly you picked Lila up and hugged her, you rocked her back and forth while rubbing her back, Bones approached you, Lila had calmed down and started to fall asleep in your arms, Bones wrapped an arm around you before he walked back your quarter. You laid your sleeping baby back into her crib and watched her a moment, Bones still by your side...

"Well darlin', I'll leave you to rest..."

"Please don't go..."

Bones ended up staying, climbing into your bed with cuddled into Bones and just laid there wide awake.

"I'm glad she's gonna be okay...Leo, I don't know what I'd do if she wasn't gonna be okay..."

"Don't worry (Y/N), she's a strong girl like her mum..."

"I just can't bare to see her in pain...and doing this alone just makes me panic at stuff like this cause I've got no-one to give me advice or opinions on stuff...I feel like I'm failing her..."

"(Y/N), you're an amazing mother...yes, it can seem daunting with no-one else's support but I'm always here to help...I have my own kid remember..."

"I'm so lucky to have you around Leo..."

You kissed Bones before you both started to fall asleep. Lila was the best think to ever happen to you, she completed you. You couldn't remember what life was like before she was born all you knew was that life with her was perfect, most of the time...yes things were sometimes stressful and you worried that you weren't being a good mother but knowing that Bones was in your corner made the whole thing less may not be the same as having Lola's real dad around, but it was definitely the next best thing for you and your baby.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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