Kirk (Part 3)

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Here is Part 3 of the previous Kirk imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


Kirk and I had managed to keep our relationship a secret for quite a long time, such a long time that I almost thought we'd get away with it, but secrets never stay secret for long. It was just a simple kiss, but we should have been more careful because what we didn't realise was that Spock had been watching us the whole time...

I'd like to have said that Spock was cool about the whole situation but he was the complete opposite. The usually calm composure of Spock was gone as he went for Kirk like a lion to a gazelle. In the end, you ended up being transferred back to earth, it wasn't your idea but you couldn't go against your brother for a second time.

Fast forward to now, and I'm preparing to visit the Enterprise crew after 5 years of being stuck on earth by myself,  well, that's not exactly true...I wasn't entirely alone, you see, I have a 5 year old daughter...her names Anna...and she's the only thing I have to remember Jim.


"Hello (Y/N), it is so pleasing to see your after so long..."

"Is that your way of saying you missed me Spock???"

"That is the logical term, yes"

"Aww, i missed you too..."

"Hey (Y/N)..."

"Jim!!! What are you doing here?!"

"Well, I've missed you...and Spock said i was allowed"

"Well umm, there's someone I want you to meet...Jim, Spock...this is Anna, my daughter...well, Jim...our daughter..."

"I feel like now would be a good time for me to depart..."


"I know I should have told you Jim but I only found out when it was to late to call you...I'm so sorry...can you ever forgive me???"

"I can if you promise me one thing..."


"Marry me..."



Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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