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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for over 45k reads on this story, it means the world to me ❤️❤️❤️)


*knock knock knock*

You practically ran to the door and opened it, on the other side was your boyfriend, Bones. You'd been so excited for him to finish his shift because now the two of you got to spend some time together, which had been hard to do recently.

"Hey Bones"

"Hi darlin'..."

You hugged Leo and gave him a quick kiss before inviting him in. You shut the door behind him and the two of you sat down on the couch.

"So darlin'...what do you want to do???"

"Well, I was thinking that maybe we could play a game or something...we haven't done that in ages"

"Sounds fun...what game were you thinking of???"

"I'm not me pick"

The two of you went over to the to and looked at all the old games you had...

"What about Monopoly???"

"Which one do you have???"

"I have the original one"

"I suggest we keep looking...what about...Jenna???"

"I don't feel like playing that..."

The two of you kept searching and were almost going to give up on the idea when you found the perfect game for Bones...


"No, no and no!!!"

"Aww come on Bonesie, it'll be fun!!!"

"Fine, whatever...hold on, did you just call me Bonesie???"

"As a matter of fact I come on let's play!!! You go first..."

Bones made his move and completed it successfully

"Ha!!! Take that!!!"

"Shut up!!!"

"What?! I'm trying to win here"

"Well then take...THAT!!! Hahaha!!!"

"What?! How did you beat me???"

"Because I'm better than you"

"Oh really???"


You emphasised the word by making a 'pop' sound for the p.

"Well then take...this!!!"

Bones then proceeded to tickle you, you were a very ticklish person and he knew that. You tried to get him back but he was stronger than you and also you were to busy laughing to do anything else.


"Not until you take back that your better than me..."

"Fine...fine...fine...I'm not better than you"

Bones stopped tickling you and pulled you into a hug instead.

"Thank you"

"I'm greater than you"

You then stood up and ran away from Bones, he chased after you and you were both in a fit of laughters. Bones eventually caught you by hugging you but he miss calculated the distance and the two of you ended up falling on to your bed, the two you continued to laugh as you stared up into Leo's eyes and he stared down into yours.

"Oh, I love you so much"

"I love you too"

This was the first time you had ever said I love you to each other, it was a special moment. You stopped laughing and so did Bones, you then placed your hands on his cheeks and pulled his lips onto yours. The two of you shared a passionate kiss which progressed into something else the two of you hadn't done yet 😉😉😉...that night would be in your mind forever, it was such a special moment in your relationship.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now