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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. in this imagine the reader is bisexual...if you don't like that, don't read it, it's as simple as that 😊😊😊)


You thought she really liked you. You wouldn't of sent her the picture if you didn't think she really wanted to be with you, but no, she just used you and now everyone was gonna know...your life was turning into a nightmare that you couldn't wake up from...

You met a girl called Anna...she seemed like a really nice girl, she complimented you, opened door for you...she was the perfect woman. After spending more and more time with Anna, your feelings towards her developed and you were over the moon when she asked you out. She was the nicest girlfriend you had ever had, she didn't pressure you into anything and always put your happiness first...after about a year of dating, Anna asked for pictures of you, you can probably guess what kind of pictures she wanted, anyway because you had been together so long and you trusted Anna, you sent her a few pictures, that was a mistake.

After sending the pictures, Anna called you and told you that she wanted to break up...she said she never really loved you, she just went out with you as a prank and that she wasn't even into girls. It really hurt to know that a whole year of my life was a could she do that to you. Anna sent your pictures to everyone aboard the was so humiliating. Everyone gave you weird looks...people called you a fag, a whore, homo...and every other insult under the sun. It got to the point you wouldn't leave your just couldn't go out there and face everyone, you couldn't bare to hear another insult.

The whole time you were in your quarters you just cried your eyes out...what made it worse was that every so often you'd here a knock of your door before abusive words followed. You just wanted it all to go just wanted to end it...

And you would have ended it, if it hadn't been for Chekov...he heard your situation he wasn't happy...he reported Anna and ended up getting her taken off the ship and sent back to earth to be dealt with. Pavel would visit you everyday to see how you were, the one thing that kept you going was him telling you that there was no point in ending your life because that's just a permanent solution to a temporary problem...yes, in that moment there may have been no light at the end of the tunnel but one day, you wouldn't feel so much wouldn't fear leaving your room and the hard times would become a distant memory.

Having Pavel really helped you...he was your support system, whenever you were low, he was there to boost you back up...he wasn't gonna let you give up no matter what. And you did regain your didn't care what others said about you and soon your photos became old news, and you focused more on the fact that you and Pavel were dating, never in a million years would you have ever thought you'd find such a loving partner as Pavel, but you did and the two of you couldn't be happier...your just glad he was there to pull you out of the darkness because you loved living in the light, were you could be truly happy with Pavel.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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