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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for over 28k on this book ❤️❤️❤️)


So today I'm being transferred to another ship...apparently calling the captain an Ass Clown (a/n: if you know where that's from then ily ❤️), is unacceptable and requires me to move to a ship to reflect on what I have done...whatever. So the ship I'm being transferred to is the USS Enterprise, with its Captain, James T Kirk, I'd heard rumours and stories about him, apparently he has been with most females on his ship...I've heard that everyone wants to be him or be with him, but already I feel like he's not going to be someone I'll get along with...

"Doctor (Y/L/N)..."

I looked over to see the Captain at my door.

"Ready when you are..."

"Yes sir..."

I picked up my bag and headed to the  transport room, the Captain followed close behind me, not to say goodbye or sorry it had to come to this, but more likely to make sure I actually left. I reached the transport room, I saw my friends standing there to say goodbye, I hugged them all before standing on the beaming pad, I looked at all my friends with tears in their eyes, my eyes then met my Captain, old Captain now, and gave him a glare, if only looks could kill.


The white swirling light then appeared around me, my surroundings began to fade, the familiarity of my old home disappeared and was replaced by my new one...when I was fully beamed aboard the enterprise, I found myself face to face with two men, one in a yellow shirt with the most incredible eyes and another in a blue shirt who looked insanely grumpy.

"Welcome aboard the Enterprise, my name is Jim Kirk, the captain of this ship..."

Jim extended his hand out for you to shake but just as you were about to, the blue shirted man stepped in front of you and started scanning you with what you recognised to be a tricord.

"And this is my virus obsessed friend, Bones, he's the chief medical officer..."

"Dammit Jim, I am not obsessed with's just space is dark and dangerous..."

"Yeah, yeah we get it...eye bleeding and what will you stop scanning the poor girl and say hello already..."


"Well this is gonna be fun...I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N)..."

"Well it's nice to meet you (Y/N), I'm Leonard McCoy, but most call me bones..."

"Whys that???"

"Cause that's all I've got left..."

I looked over to Jim and he just gave you a look as if to say, don't mind him. I decided to not dwell on it and waited for Bones to finish his scans.

"Oh yeah...(Y/N), I thought that it would be best for Bones to be your guide almost since you both work in the same area and will most likely work very closely..."

"Sounds logical I suppose..."

"Not you too..."

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now