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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. sorry for the delay, I had a job interview today and I was to nervous to write but I managed to get it finished afterwards so here you go...😊😊😊)


The Enterprise had been on a mission to recover a criminal by the name of Khan, but unfortunately things didn't quite go to plan, and now we are stranded on the edge atmosphere of Kronos, the Klingon planet. Here in the Medbay, we were doing everything we could to try and get moving again but everyone was chaotic we were struggling. Considering the situation we were in, Bones was trying his best but we were all scared at the fact we didn't know what was gonna happen and that we were running out of time because the Klingons would eventually notice us and most likely kill us all.

You were trying to organise the medbay for any potential injuries but you realised you were missing a lot of supplies so quickly ran to the storage cupboard to retrieve what you needed, while you were looking through the boxes, Bones appeared in the closet as well, he also started to hunt through the boxes for something when the ship lurched to one side. Both of you fell to the ground before sliding and forcefully being whacked against the wall. The two of you were in pain but eventually stood up. You headed to the door to go see what had happened but the door didn't open. You tried entering the emergency passcode but it didn't budge.

"Oh no..."


"The doors jammed...we're trapped"

"That's not good"

Bones walked over to the door and tried to force it open but had no luck, you went over to help him but both of you were no match for the door. You went to grab your communicator but you then realised you had left it on the counter...on the other side of the door.

"Do you have your communicator??? I've left mine out there"

"Always do darlin'"

Bones tried calling everyone the two of you could think of but no one answered.

"Why isn't anyone picking up???"

"There must be some sort of interference"

"Well now what do we do???"

"Well, there isn't any other way out of here so we'll just  have to wait for someone to come find us darlin'"

The two of you knocked on the door while shouting, hoping someone could hear you but there was no luck, everyone was probably busy and it was probably to noisy for anyone to hear us. The two of you stood there awkwardly but after a while you decided to sit against a wall, a few minutes later, Bones joined you.

"Well...since we're going to be here a while...why don't we get to know each other...I don't really know anything about you other than your my grumpy boss..."

"Now the grumpy part was unnecessary..."

"Whatever you say grumpy..."

All of a sudden the ship lurched to the side again and somehow you ended on top of Bones, you looked down at him and the two of you seemed to get lost in each other's eyes. You eventually snapped back into reality and realised where you were.

"Oh my god, Bones I'm so sorry..."

" me Leo"

You went to get up but Leo stopped you and pulled your lips down to him, the to of you shared a kiss which ended up becoming quite passionate, then the door to the closet opened and the two of you looked to find the captain with a smirk on his face.

"Sorry for interrupting but my crew needs medical attention and I was hoping you two lovebirds could help"

You both quickly stood up and in the process, ended up blushing.

"I'm sorry Captain, the door was jammed and we uhh..."

"No need to explain (Y/N), I understand but you can continue your little moment when we aren't in danger so for might be a good idea to get back to work"

The captain started to walk away but then stopped and turned back to us.

"Oh and remember to be safe 😉😉😉"

Both you and Bones became so red with embarrassment.

"Well...umm...I'll see you later???"

"Sure thing darlin'"

The two of you got back to work. Even though there was a chance you could get killed by a Klingon at any moment...The thought of the kiss you shared with Bones made you not so afraid.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now