Chekov (Part 2)

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Here is Part 2 of the previous Chekov imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


We had been trapped for what felt like days...and still no-one had come for us. Both Pavel and I had been freaking out wondering why it was taking so long to find's not like we weren't important I mean come on, Pavel is the ships navigator for crying out loud...did no-one not notice he was missing, like seriously...

We were both exhausted and hungry...we'd been stuck in here with no food or water and our only option was to suck it up, unless we wanted to try the bleach, which neither of us wanted to do...I could feel my eye lids getting heavy and just before they closed, I heard what sounded like a red alert signal...but it was too late for me to wake up...I was just too tired.

I woke to Pavel screaming my name as he shook me...when I opened my eyes I realised that we didn't seem to be on the enterprise anymore but in some sort of forest area. I looked at Pavel as he was covered in blood and dust...I knew that something terrible must of happened but a lump in my throats refused me from asking what...I tried to sit up but found myself falling to the ground, I looked at my wrist to see it in an odd was most definitely broken...

"W...where is everyone???"

"I don't know...ze vent landed ower zhere...I dragged you out to here...and I haffn't zeen anyvone..."

"We crashed?!"


"B...but how is that even..."

"Pozzible??? I don't know...vhat I do know iz zhat ve need to find ze rezt of ze crew..."

"Pavel...we have no idea where we are or even if anyone survived..."

"Ve need to ztay pozzitive..."

"Easier said than done..."

"I know...but ve haff to try..."

We both managed, with help from one another, to get up and start walking. It wasn't at a very fast pace but we were still trying to recover from the incident on the enterprise as well as the crash we'd just been part of...

We had no luck finding anyone on our travels so we decided to find a cave and stay in there for the night...huddled together in the cold, we managed to get to sleep, but it wasn't the best nights sleep, but it was as good as we were gonna get considering the situation. The next morning we continued our search and we eventually found Jim and Scotty who had made an alliance with a girl named Jaylah who seemed to want to get off this planet as much as we did. Together we worked on a plan to re-capture the remaining crew and fly away from this awful place...and we succeeded...we made it to Yorktown and to safety.

After the crew had been treated and cared for...a party was planned in order to celebrate the Captains Birthday. The whole crew was their...even was amazing. Nearer the end of the night, Pavel pulled me to the side to talk...

"(Y/N), ve had been through a lot togezer...more zhan most couples. Avter surviving, I realize zhat you are ze vone for me, and zo...(Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N), vill you marry me???"

(Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N), vill you marry me???"

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"Of course I will, I love you Pavel..."


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now