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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


You had been dating Chekov for the last 3 years, and in that time you have pranked many crew members but you have always avoided pranking Pavel, you wanted to make him think he could trust you so when the time came, he wouldn't be expecting the prank.

You recruited Sulu to help you execute your plan. Since you and Pavel had a shared quarter, it wasn't hard to get to him. At 2am, while Chekov was deep in sleep you let Sulu in, he had brought with her some rather bright blue hair dye. You both got to work.

The next morning you got up before Pavel and headed to the bridge to start your shift, you took your seat near Sulu, the two of you shared a mischievous grin that didn't go unnoticed by Spock, he simply turned back to his station and carried on with his work as it was illogical to get involved in such silliness especially where (Y/N) was involved.

Around 15 minutes after you arrived, Chekov walked in...

"Ah Mr Chek..."

Everyone turned to Jim when he stopped talking only to have their attention be locked on something eye catching, Pavel's hair was now a sea of blue...and you could tell, he wasn't happy about it...

"I'm only gonna azk zhiz vonze...who did zhiz my hair!!!"

Everyone went quiet and turned there attention to me, I instantly jumped up and ran to the turbo lift, Pavel was right behind and he looked angery, the doors were almost closed but Pavel put his hand between the doors just at the last second and the shot open once more...he started to slowly walk towards me, I backed away but was stopped by wall of the lift, I was taken completely by surprise when instead of shouting or being furious Chekov simply started to kiss me. When I accepted the kiss he deepened it when we broke apart he simply smiled at me and walked out the lift, the smile scared me cause it was the smile that told me he had a plan and I was guessing it wasn't going to end well for me.

*timeskip brought to you because, you kidding me sir???*

The next morning I woke up and Pavel wasn't there, I figured he'd just gone to work early due so I thought nothing more about it. I walked into the bathroom and something caught my eye in the mirror, something Green, extremely green...I don't know how he did it but he'd somehow managed to dye my hair NEON green...I jumped into the shower in hopes off washing it out but no luck, it was permanent. I got dressed and headed to the bridge to do my shift but I made sure to pick up one of my many silly string cans I have for my other pranks.

When I got to the bridge I tried to act as if everything was normal, I walked up to the fabulously blue navigator and smiled, he burst out laughing as did a few other bridge members I then proceeded to attack him with the silly string, he instantly jumped up and ran from me but I simply chase him until the can was done, by the end of it, he was almost unrecognisable, that felt like enough revenge for me.

Me and Pavel decided to instead of work against each other, join together to become the ultimate pranking couple that the crew would forever fear, especially since Pavel worked part-time in engineering...he knew how the locks on the doors no one was safe.😏😏😏


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo x

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