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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


It was supposed to be one of the happiest days of my life...I was getting married!!! You'd expect someone to be over the moon that they'd found someone who loved them enough to want to spend the rest of their life with them, but that was just the thing...I didn't know if I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him...I didn't know if he was the guy for me.

"Knock, knock...(Y/N) you look...mesmerising"

"Hey think so???"

"I know, are you ready to get married???"



"Am I doing the right thing here???"

"What do you mean???"

"Getting it the right thing to do???"

"You love Bones ...don't you???"

"Well that's the thing...I don't know if I do..."

"(Y/N)...I'm supposed to be walking you down the aisle in a few minutes...why are you just telling me this now?!"

"I don't want to be making a's a big commitment..."

"You do realise that to get to today you had to say yes to a proposal...which oddly enough, is what you did..."

"I realise that...but that was then..."

"So how do you feel now???"

"I feel like I don't want it to be Bones at the other end of that aisle..."

"Well who do you want it to be???"

"It doesn't matter...for now I need to call this off, I can't marry's not right..."

"Well you'll have to go tell him then...he's in there waiting for you..."

I opened the door to the room I was supposed to become Mrs McCoy...but now, I was gonna break someone's heart...the music started to play but I ignored it...I walked down the aisle trying to get to Bones as quick as I could...I didn't want to drag this out any longer than I had too. The closer I got to him, the more my heart sunk...the smile on his face began to fade as he noticed the seriousness of my was as if he could sense what was going to happen.


"You can't do it..."


"Darlin'...I know you better than you think..."

"Leo, I'm so sorry..."

"Oh it's ok...I'll live...just as long as your happy..."

"I am...I suppose..."

"You know...if your looking for mr right I thinks he's at the door over there..."

I turned to see who was standing was Jim, he was giving me a reassuring smile, like he always let me know that I could count on his to support me...

"What Jim?!'d you decide that out???"

"I see the way you two are around each other...Whenever your with's like you become your true self..."

"So you think Jim's the one for me???"

"Think??? I know...HEY JIM, GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!!!"

Jim jogged up to me and Leo at the top of the aisle...

"What is it???"

"Congrats Jim, your getting married..."

"Oh ok...wait...WHAT..."

"Listen...I know you like (Y/N)...and she really likes you too...please guys just get'd mean a lot to me if you were both happy for once..."

"Leo...I don't know what..."

"Just lets get this ceremony started..."

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of (Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N) and...umm..."

Leo then whispered in the ministers ear...

"Ah...and James Tiberius Kirk..."

It may not have been the outcome everyone had planned or hoped for...but by the end of today, I was happy...happy because I realised that I'd done the right thing and put my own happiness first and...with help for Leo...managed to still have the happiest day of my life...with the right guy.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now