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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for over 37k reads on this book ❤️❤️❤️)


Today started off as any other day, I got up, got dressed then went to was normal like always...up until I entered the turbo lift. I was heading to start my shift, the lift stopped at a different level and Bones walked in...we nodded at one another, acknowledging each other before the lift got moving again...the lift then however came to a hault and the doors didn't open, which meant one thing...we were trapped.

I tried to keep calm about the whole situation but the truth was, I was panicking...the idea of being in such a cramped space with the man I've been crushing on for the past few years, didn't really sound very appealing at the moment. While I was having my freak out, Bones got out his communicator and called the head of engineering, Scotty. Apparently one of the new engineers had been fiddling with the lift system and had managed to break until Scotty found a way to fix it, we would be stuck here for quite a while...

"So...this'll be fun..."


"Hey are you okay??? You're lookin' a bit pale there darlin'..."

"I just don't like small spaces that's all..."

"Well don't worry...I'm here for you..."

It was at this point that my situation became worse because Bones pulled my into a now he was trying to comfort me, meanwhile my brain is imagining what it would be like to kiss him...why did I have to get a crush on him...

"Bones...I'm afraid yer gonna be stuck in there fir a bit longer...and I'm sorry tae have tae be the yin tae tell 'es but yer oxygen is limited, so breath wisely..."

"Go as quick as you can Scotty..."


"So, it looks like we'll be here a while...might as well admit that I'm in love with you"


"I'm kidding...oh you should of seen the panic in your face..."


If only he knew how much i hoped he meant that...

"Hold you like me???"

"What?! No, of course not...that would be inappropriate..."

"Oh do don't you..."

"No I don't..."

"So you telling me, that if I did this *kisses* you wouldn't be over the moon"


"aww you've got a crush on me..."

"Bones, please shut up..."

"Come on, there's no need to be embarrassed...we all have crushes..."

"Can we just stop talking..."

"On one condition..."

"And what would that be???"

"Go on a date with me..."

"But I thought you didn't like me???"

"How do you know I wasn't lying???"

Before I could respond, the doors flew open and Bones walked out...

"So I'll pick you up at 6pm...wear something nice..."

What the hell just happened??? I'm not honestly sure...but I think I just got a date with Bones...


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now