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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by JessicaHarris924 :I know this is a little off brand for your book, but could you do one where the reader is Scotty's daughter but he doesn't know that she exist but the reader wants to meet him in person so she joins starfleet and is eventually put on the Enterprise engineering department, making it easier for the reader to meet him. I know it's a lot but I really would appreciate it if you would do it please.

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


Asking my mum about my dad was never easy...dependant on what mood she was in, she would either tell me how great he was, or how useless he was...I didn't understand why she seemed to love him but also hate him, because as she had said to me a million times before...she left him...and as far as I know, he doesn't know I'm alive...I've never met my dad, but I feel like I'm connected to him in some odd way...I can't explain it...but I just get the feeling he's there for me, even if he doesn't know it...

When I was 16 my mum finally sat me down and told me who my dad was...apparently he's head engineer of a starship known as the enterprise, his name is Montgomery Scott...since being told that, I've only ever had one finally come face to face with him, that's all I wanted...just to finally meet him...

I worked and studied hard to get myself in Starfleet Academy to study engineering, obviously, and what I found weird was the fact that I felt so at home if it was where I was meant to the time I turned 21 I had managed to get myself a place on a wasn't the same one as my dad, but it was a step in the right direction anyway...

After a few years of working on a starship, I decided to try my luck at a transfer to the enterprise...and even though it took a few months, I was accepted, and so within a few weeks I was ready to move on with my career and finally meet my father. When I boarded the enterprise I was met by the Captain, his name was Jim, he seemed really nice...he gave me a tour of the ship before walking me to engineering. The closer we got, the more nervous I became...I had been waiting for this moment for most of my life, and now it was gonna happen...I was gonna come face to face with my dad...

"(Y/N)...this is Montgomery Scott, but everyone just calls him Scotty...he'll be your go to guy for anything engineering related dilemmas"

"Hi...I'm (Y/N)"

"Hello there lass"

"Well why don't I leave you two to do your work...have fun"

" aboot I show you aroon the can familiarise yoursel' wi the layout of the place..."

" the way...I don't mean to sound rude, but I notice your accent..."

"Aye...I'm fae Scotland, it's a bonnie ever been???"

"No, I haven't...maybe one day though..."

"Well if ya dae...just a wee tip, take a brollie"

"Excuse me???"

"Sorry...I meant an umbrella...forgot that ye say it differently..."

Already I felt comfortable being around him, which I didn't think would happen...I thought it would be kind of awkward, but it was rather calm, although I suppose, to Scotty, I'm just another engineer...nothing special.

As the months past, I felt me and Scotty creating a real bond with one another...he was really helpeful and supportive and as each day pasted, I found myself wanting to tell him who I really was...but then again, I didn't want to ruin what we had...but I knew I couldn't keep such a big secret from just wasn't fair on him or me...

"Hey Scotty???"

"Aye Lass???"

"I was just curious, but...have you every been in love with someone???"

"I suppose...once upon a time..."

"What happened???"

"Well, she left me...I never saw her again..."

"Did you ever try and find her...see what happened to her???"

"I tried...but I could nae find her...I lost her, but, that's life I suppose..."

"What was her name???"


"(Y/M/N) (Y/L/N)???"

"Aye...hold did you know that???"

"I know because she's my mum..."

"How old are you again???"

"I know what your thinking...and your right"

"You mean..."

"Yep...hi dad..."

Scotty didn't say anything, he simply stood staring at you for a while before pulling you into a bear could feel tears of joy running down your face...this was the moment you'd hoped and dreamed for...

"I love you dad..."

"I love you too lass..."


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now