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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


So today you were going to spend time with Bones's parents. In all honesty, you were both nervous yet excited, you'd met his parents before and they seemed like really nice people, the only thing was, you got the impression that they didn't approve of you in some may have all been in your head but then again, it may not have been.

The first time you met Bones's parents, the reason you felt that they didn't really like you was because they kept comparing you to girls that Leo had previously dated saying things like, "Felicity never did that, she always did this..." "Alannah used to make this, not that..." "Leonard used to love when Erica did this..." at first it didn't bother me the more they did it, the more I felt like I wasn't good enough for them...i could only hope maybe this time they'll be more accepting.

"Stop worrying darlin'..."

"I can't help it...your parents make me nervous"

"They aren't that scary..."

"Let me guess, Eveline didn't find them scary"

"Is that what this is about???"

"I'm sorry if I don't appreciate being compared to every girl you've ever dated"

"There is nothing for you to be upset parents just don't like change, also, you do realise that I dated thoze girls when i was 5-16...the next girl after that was you when I was 18 so I don't think you have to be concerned"

"Oh great so I'm being compared to children now...cause that makes it sooo much better..."

"Ok, we need to resolve this..."

"And how are we gonna do that???"

"We're going to talk about this, and they will learn to like you..."

"That makes me sound desperate for them to like me..."

"You may not be desperate for them to like you but I am...your important to me and they need to realise that..."


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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