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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for over 26k reads on this book, it means a lot to me ❤️❤️❤️also update from prom, it was amazing and they were the most cheery bunch of drunks I've ever had the pleasure of being with...I myself got a little tipsy but still had a great time)


I was dreading waking up this morning because today was unfortunately, my I know that birthdays are usually happy events that people look forward to, but I don't...I wish that my birthday would forever go unnoticed. Whenever I'm asked why I don't like my birthday I tell them something along the lines of not wanting to be reminded that I'm a year older, a year closer to death...that usually shuts them up. In all honesty the real reason I hate my birthday so much I because it's bad luck...nothing good has ever come out of my birthday...I'm turning 26 and in the 26 previous birthdays, something has always gone wrong and I always get hurt in the end, something always happens, a fire will start, something will be forgotten, someone gets hurt or worse as you can see I've not had a lot of luck where birthdays are concerned and I'm not in the mood for something else to go wrong and for me to get upset.

I slow exited the safety of my dreams and into the harshness of reality. I looked to beside me and panicked slightly when my boyfriend of 5 years, Jim, wasn't there...I quickly got up went to go look for him, I found him sitting in the kitchen eating his breakfast, I walked up to him and hugged him from behind.


"Morning are you feeling???"

"I'm a bit tired but I'll survive..."

I got myself some food before getting ready for my day of work. For the whole day, I found that no one mentioned my Birthday, not Jim, not Bones, not either everyone had forgotten or just don't want to upset me, either way, I'm happy, maybe this'll be the Birthday that nothing goes wrong.

By the end of my shift the worst thing that happened was I fell and scraped my knee but I can live with that... I walked back to my quarters and into the living room where i found Jim holding a cake while a banner is hung behind him.

"Surprise!!! Now I know you don't like
Birthdays so I decided that I'd do something small for it's just you and me...what do you think???"

"It's perfect Jim...your so sweet, I love you"

"I love you, I got that film you like and so we are going to watch sat and eat cake, sound good???"

"It sounds perfect..."

For once nothing went birthday ever...


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now