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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for over 47k reads on this book❤️❤️❤️)


You were part of a landing team on a class m planet. You were studying the plant life when you heard a snarl, you look up to see a beast running towards you with its teeth on display, you noticed Spock was standing just ahead of you, you screamed for him to move but he wasn't listening, you tried to run to him, to push him out of the way but you couldn't move, just as the beast had almost reached Spock, he stood up and turned towards you.

"I love you (Y/N)"

You continued to shout for him to run but it was like he didn't know you were talking, he couldn't hear you, before you knew it the beast had reached Spock, you watched in horror as the beast pounced towards him...

You jolted awake, you were sweating and shaking, it was just a dream...that's all you could tell your self, it wasn't real. You looked to your side to see emptiness. Spock had to work late and so you were alone with no one to comfort you. You decided that you couldn't handle not having Spock beside you so you got out of bed and ran to the bridge. You didn't care that you were still in your pyjamas, you needed to be certain that Spock was safe.

When you burst through the door, the other crew members on the bridge turned to stare at you, you scanned the room and found Spock sitting at his station calmly just getting on with his work like he always did. He looked up at you confused, he went to speak but you ran and hugged him before he could say anything.

"(Y/N)??? I sense that something is not right, might I ask you if you are alright???"

"I had a nightmare that you were killed...I woke up and you weren't there so I came to see if you were okay"

"As you can see before you, I am in perfect health and you have no need to be alarmed "

Spock pulled you to sit of his lap, he hugged you tightly and gently rubbed your back to calm you down. You both sat like this for a while, it was nice to just to have him there, he made you feel safe...he wasn't always one to show his affection so it was moments like these that you cherished the most

"My shift is finishing momentarily, after which I shall escort you back to our quarter to rest for the night..."


You both stood up, you link your arm in Spock's and he walked you back to your shared quarter, you both lay down and you cuddle into Spock. He wrapped his arms protectively around you.

"I feel that this is an adequate moment to tell you that, I love you (Y/N)"

"I love you too Spock"

You both drifted into sleep, Spockwas fine and nothing was gonna happen to him. He was always gonna be there for you and nothing was ever gonna change that.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now