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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


"Mum...Dad...wake up..."

"W...what's wrong???"

"Mum it's snowing!!!"

"Is it???"

"Yeah, come see..."

You watched as your son ran over to the window, he seemed very excited. You sat up and started to get out of bed when you noticed that Jim wasn't getting up and so you simply nudged him awake.

"What's's hurt..."

"We are all fine silly, Grayson just wants to show is the snow outside"

"That's it???"

"Hey, be nice...he's really excited about it"

You and Jim got up and headed over to beside Grayson and looked was beautiful, the snow covered the gardens and all the paths, it was an untouched master piece. As the three of you looked out you realised, this was the first time any of you had seen snow in about 5 years, considering the fact that it doesn't snow in space. You didn't realise how much you'd missed waking up to the sight of snow.

"Mum, dad, can I go play outside"

"Grayson of course you can play outside today, but first we need to get you wrapped up nice and warm..."

", do you wanna build a snowman with me???"

You looked at Jim who appeared unwilling to take the offer but when he noticed the look of 'you say no, and I'll hurt you' that was on your face and instantly agreed to building a snowman. And so you walked with Grayson back to his room and made sure he was dressed warm enough before letting him lose on the perfect snow.

You headed back to your own room and found Jim getting ready to go outside, you also decided to get appropriately dressed to go play, because we all know when it comes to snow, our inner child comes out and we feel the need to play in it.

"You ready to go baby???"

"Someone's keen to build a snowman..."

"I'm not keen...I just think it'll be nice to spend sometime with my son, that's all"

"Sure it is...just admit it Jim, you love snow just as much as me and Grayson do..."

"I don't"






"Do...dammit (Y/N)"

"Mum!!! Dad!!! Hurry up!!!"

"We're coming baby...time to go I guess Captain snowlover"

"Alright, fine...maybe I do love snow"

"I knew it!!!"

You ran over to Jim and kissed him passionately before running outside, Jim not that far behind you. As soon as you were all outside, you began a team effort of building a snowman...and you had to admit, it turned out quite well.

After retiring from starfleet to raise your family, you always presumed that you'd miss the excitement and joy of space travel...but it was days like today, that reminded you of why you loved your life back on loved spending time with your boys, and you wouldn't change it for the world.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now