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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


"Vor vonce in your life can you juzt lizten instead of ruining my vork"

"I said I was sorry Pavel, but it's not my fault you didn't explain what you wanted to be done properly"

"Oh zo it'z my fault iz it??? Vhy do you try and deflect ze blame (Y/N), juzt accept zhat you vere wrong"

"I know I was wrong, obviously I'm not the only one who doesn't know how to listen"

"Your zo frustrating zometimes..."

"Fine then, if you find me that frustrating then I guess we are over Chekov"

"Vine by me!!!"


That was the last thing I said to Pavel...and now I'm sat here, staring at him from the other side of the cafeteria.  I sit here wishing I could take back what I said, I want to apologise but I don't know if Pavel would even look at me...I just want my boyfriend back but I think I ruined my chances, I find myself just looking at my food cause it's to hard to look at him without thinking about how much I miss him.

*Chekov's POV*

I looked up from my food and looked over at (Y/N), she was just staring at her tray...I feel terrible for what I said to her, I shouldn't have gotten mad at her. She made one mistake that was it, and it was my fault she made it...I didn't explain to her what was to be done, so I was wrong to get so angry but now I don't know how to fix this mess. I just want my girlfriend back.

*Kirks POV*

Oh my god these two are depressing...I mean come on, they just stare at one another every time the other one looks away. It's obvious that they are still in love but for some reason they chose to just stare rather than try to fix things...I think it's about time I gave them a helping hand.

*Your POV*

As if my life couldn't get anymore miserable, Kirk wants to talk to me about my recent report...this won't be good, I rushed the report because my heads been all over the place and now I'd have to face the consequences.

Kirk told me to meet him in the conference room so that's where I'm heading. When I reached the door, I walked in the room and stared at the floor it wasn't until I heard the door lock behind me that I looked up and found Pavel staring at me with just as much panic, then Kirks voice started being projected through the room.

"You two are getting sad to watch, so kiss and make up before you make the rest of us miserable"

"Kirk really needs to stay out of other people's business"

"I don't zhink zhat function exiziztz in ze keptin"

"Pavel...about what I did..."

"You juzt did vhat I azked...I should haff explained it better and I'm zorry"

"Pavel, for the last few days I've been miserable and I don't know about you but for me, it's been torture not being with you"

"I veel ze zame...listen, I really vant uz to move pazt zhiz becauze I really lowve you (Y/N), and I don't want uz to be over"

"Me neither"

"Zo...can ve try again"

"I'd like that..."

I then walked over to Pavel and pulled his lips on to mine, his hands went to my hips as he returned the kiss, we then heard the door unlock and Jim's voice shortly followed.



Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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