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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!



We'd been walking through a forest like are when out of nowhere a beast leaps out from the bushes, as I turned around I saw that it was heading straight for Leo, I shouted out to him but I was too that point the Creature had sunk its teeth into Bones arm, redshirt burst into action shooting all they had to kill this thing before it killed Bones, I watched in horror as Leo let out a blood curdling scream. Eventually the Beast fell dead but Bones continued to scream...we were beamed back to the enterprise and we rushed Leo to the medbay where the doctors and nurses where rushing around trying to help but without the guidance of their CMO who would usually be able to take care of the situation but he seemed to be on the other side of the situation, thankfully Carol managed to keep herself composed and did her best to help Leo. I ended up pacing in the medbay while Bones was in surgery, the beast had completely destroyed his arm so now Carol was attempting to piece the puzzle back together in hopes of trying to salvage the arm. After a few hours of waiting Carol emerged from the surgery, closely followed by Bones, you were surprised to see his arm wasn't in a cast or a sling but then you wasn't his arm.


He didn't speak to you, he just simply pushed past you and o the medbay, you looked to Carol who had a look of sadness on her face, you turned back to the door and instantly ran to go find Bones, you caught up with him just as he was about to go into his quarters.

"Leo wait..."

He didn't speak, he just continued to try and enter his room, you placed yourself in front of Bones and the door so he couldn't leave.

"Leo, please talk to me..."


"Leo, I'm worried about you..."

Still nothing...

"Let me help..."

"Help?! How can you help???...can you suddenly re-grow arms or something???"


"Well then you obviously can't help, so why don't you leave me alone"

"Leo, I realise this is hard for you but please don't push me away..."

"I don't need you (Y/N), I don't need anyone so just GO!!!"


You stood your ground and Bones just stared at you...all of a sudden he then burst into tears, you hated seeing him so broken...he was usually so bold, so confident and now, he was so vulnerable...

"Help me..."

"I will Leo, I promise...we can get through this, together"

"I love you darlin'..."

"I love you too"


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now