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Hey Guys!!!

So I have an imagine under construction...that's probably not the right term but let roll with it...anyway I will have it up tomorrow but for now I'm going to go sleep cause I've been having weird panic attacks about the Dolan Twins follow spree that's happening at midnight where I'm from, I ain't got the energy to stay up and have spent all day trying to pry myself away from twitter, it was harder than I thought but speaking of social medias...imma be annoying and plug:

Twitter: @ChloeAngela2603
Snapchat: @clo2603
Instagram: @marvel_fan_forever

Follow me on there if you want, if you do let me know on them that your from here and I'll follow you back ❤️❤️❤️

For now I shall bid you all fair well and goodnight 😊😊😊

Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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