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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by @Mistygirl729 :Could you do a Kirk one where the reader is Pike's daughter, and is the Ship's Counselor, but she's the one that needs counseling because of her father's death, and Jim is her counselor, and they fall in love. Please and thank you.

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


*Jim's POV*

As I watched Pike become lifeless, I remember just how much it hurt because Pike was the closet thing I had to a father and I had to lose matter how much pain I felt, I knew it couldn't compare to the pain that (Y/N) would be going through, she was close to her dad, she followed in his footsteps by joining Starfleet and her dad had even got her a place on the enterprise, the ship that was once his...

(Y/N) was the councillor for the enterprise, she was the one we'd go to for our problems...if we were going through a stressful time at work or needed a she needed help but there was no other councillors on the ship so I stepped up to support her because I could understand the pain she was going through and all I wanted was for her to be okay again. I ended up making an appointment to see her because every other time I tried to talk to her she'd just avoid the conversation and try to convince me that she was ok so my only option was to speak to her while she works...

I knocked on her door and it opened automatically, I walked in and sat down, she sat across from me with her usual clipboard and pen.

"Captain, what would you like to talk about today???"

"I want to talk about you..."

"This session isn't about me...I'm here to help you..."

"The way you can help me is by talking to me...I know what your going through (Y/N)...I know the pain your feeling, how it feels like the world is against you'll never be happy again...but I'm here for just have to let me in..."

"I think you should leave now..."

I watched as a single tear ran down here cheek but I didn't move from my seat...she was broken, and she needed me whether she realised it or not.

*Your POV*

I had tried desperately to keep myself from crying but I couldn't hold it back anymore...I felt a tear run down my cheek and I knew that Jim wouldn't leave now...I'd tried so hard to avoid talking to Jim because he was right, he did know what I was going through, but that's what scared me...It scares me because that means he will want to help me...he'll get close to me, and I don't want to get close to someone, cause if I lose another person...I don't know if I'll cope...


There will be a Part 2. Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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