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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by @Sanya1409 :Can you please do one where the reader and Chekov have a girl and when she has her first boyfriend, Chekov gets really over protective. The reader , while annoyed with him , loves him all the more for it and says it reminds her of how he was during all her pregnancies.😊.
Can you please make the daughter's name Samara? It's what I've always wanted to name my daughter.
It's understandable if you make it Y / D / N.
Love your stories

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


"Samara, your boyfriend's here..."

"Coming mum..."

"Boyvriend?! Vhat boyvriend?!"

"Pavel don't even think about saying anything to..."

"Zo...vhat do you vant vrom my daughter???"

"Well sir, I was planning to take Samara to this awesome show downtown, I here it has gotten some fantastic reviews and I think we'll both enjoy it..."

"Vell don't ewen zhink about trying any vunny buzinezz during ze show...I'll be keeping a wery cloze eye on you young man..."

"Pavel, honey, leave the poor kid alone...a show sounds lovely, I'm sure you'll both have a great time...ignore my husband, he's just being a over protective parent...doesn't want to see his little grow up..."

"I completely understand Mrs Chekov..."

"How vould you underztand??? Do you haff kidz?! I knew zhere vaz zomezhing off about can zhink again if you zhink you're taking my little girl anyvhe..."

"Pavel!!! Kitchen NOW!!!"

As Pavel grumpily made his way to the kitchen, Samara had made her way downstairs.

"You kids have back by 11 remember..."

"Will do mum...bye!!!"

"Goodbye Mrs Chekov"

I waved the two of them off before shutting the front door and going to the kitchen where I found my adorable Pasha sitting with tear filled eyes...I stood behind him and wrapped my arms around him, holding him close...

"I'm sorry I yelled Pasha...but we have to accept the fact our baby is grown up...she can make her own decisions now and we have to let her become and independent young woman..."

"Doezn't make ze pain go avay zhough..."

"I know baby...I remember when I was pregnant, you were over protective of her then too, and she wasn't even born yet...but at least we've still got each other...and we know Samara's in good care..."

"Vhat happened to my little princess..."

"She met her prince..."

"I mizz her..."

"I know you do...I do too...but she'll be back, don't worry...and I'm sure she's missing you'll be hard for all of us...but at the end of the day we all still love each other right???"


" how about we get some ice-cream and have a movie night like we used'll be fun..."

"Anyzhing for my queen..."


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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