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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for over 30k reads on this book ❤️❤️❤️)


"Hey Bones...what ya doing???"

"I'm was just finishing up before heading to my room..."

"So...tonight I was supposed to have a sleepover/movie night with Jaylah..."

"That sounds fun darlin'..."

"It would have been...but she just cancelled on I was thinking, maybe you could come instead..."

"I don't think tha..."

"...aww please Bones...I was really looking forward to tonight"

"But I thought it was more a girls thing"

"It's not gender specific...anyway, it'll just be you, me, a couple of will you come???"

"If you insist..."

"Yay!!! Tonight gonna be so fun..."

I waited till Bones's shift finished before we headed to his quarters so he could get some overnight stuff...once he was done, we headed to my quarters. We started the night off by changing into our pyjamas, then while I got some snacks, I left Bones in charge of picking the first film...we had planned to watch at least three films seeing as neither of us started work early tomorrow so we could stay up late and have fun.

*Bones's POV*

I was looking through (Y/N)'s film collection looking for something to watch but I found myself concentrating less on the film and more on the fact this was actually happening...I'd never thought anything like this would and (Y/N)...alone together...for a whole was a dream for me. You see, I've had a crush on (Y/N) for quite sometime now...but I can't never find the right time to tell her how I feel. I don't want to ruin our friendship by making her uncomfortable with the fact I love her, so I've kept it from never know...maybe I'll tell her at some point tonight...

*Your POV*

By the end of the final film, I found myself barely being able to keep my eyes open...I turned to Bones, to find him already fast asleep...he looked so peaceful, I wished it could always be like see, I've recently developed feelings towards Bones, but I can't exactly tell my best friend that I love him...I don't want to lose him. I'd hoped that at some point tonight, I could have told him how I felt...that was my plan see, Jaylah was never coming over...I hadn't even asked her, I just said that as a way to start a conversation...and it worked, however, it appeared that my plans to declare my love would have to wait till some other time...or so I turns out, that my handsome doctor friend, talks in his sleep...


I would have fallen asleep, but hearing my name made me more alert and so I listened to what sleepy Leo had to say...

" you..."

I stared at Bones's sleeping form...he was blissfully unaware at how happy his words were making me...

"(Y/N) you..."

Out of nowhere, I then developed some confidence and somehow ended up with my lips on Leo's...the sudden pressure on his lips had woken him up, however, he didn't pull away...he actually deepened the kiss which both pleased and shocked me...maybe this love wasn't as one sided as I thought. I broke this kiss and started into Bones's now open eyes.

"Leo...I love you too..."

"What?! How did yo..."

" were talking in your sleep..."

"Well that's not embarrassing..."

"I thought it was quite sweet definitely saved me some time in trying to find the right time to tell you how I felt about you..."

"You were going to tell me you loved me???"

"Yeah...that's what tonight was for...but when you fell asleep, I thought I'd missed my chance..."

"That's so odd..."


"I was going to tell you how I felt about you tonight darlin'..."

"Well you know what they say...great minds think alike..."

"Is there anything about great minds dating..."

"Is that your way of asking me out???"


"Well I'd love to go out with you Bones..."

"That's great..."

Bones then pressed his lips against mine, his tongue passing over my bottom lip, asking for entrance into my mouth, which I gladly hand tangled themselves into Leo's hair while his hands rested on my waist...the kiss broke as Bones went to speak...

"Should we take this over to the bed darlin'???"




Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

-Clo X

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