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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


When Pavel had first told me he was going on a 5 year mission, I must admit, I was concerned...5 years was a long time compared to the time he was usually away...I wasn't sure how I was going to cope without him, but we discussed it, how we could message each other and video call and in the end, he went. You would talk to each other everyday and although it wasn't the same as being with each other it was still a comfort to be talking in some form.

You had just gotten home from your work and after changing out of your uniform you decided to video call Pavel for a bit...but he didn't pick tried again but still no decided that you'd try again later. Time was different in space, everyone knew that...he could be asleep for all you knew, so you calmed yourself and didn't worry to much about it...

A few hours later, you were getting ready for bed so you decided to give Pavel another call...this time the call didn't even go was as if his number didn't tried to stay calm but your mind was wandering into all the possible reasons he wouldn't answer and none of them were found yourself on the verge of a panic attack with no way out, you had no-one here...Pavel was gone, your friends were on the enterprise with him, your family was miles was just you and the walls around you that felt as if they were closing in around you...

You jumped out of your skin at the sound of the computer coming to life with a call...still in a daze, you found yourself unable to go over and answer it but you pulled yourself together and forced yourself to got over to the computer and it was an unknown were in your right mind not to answer but there was the voice in the back of your mind telling you to accept the you did...

You waited as the call connected and once it did, you were greeted by a grainy picture of what you could just make out to be began to freak out, something must have gone wrong...he was in trouble...the picture then became clear...

"(Y/N), zhank heawens...I'm zo sorry I didn't anzver earlier...ze netvork haz been playing up and Mizter Zcott haz only juzt fixed it..."

"Pavel?! You're ok?!"

"Yez...vhy vouldn't I be ok???"

"I was scared something had happened...I feel like such an idiot now, I though maybe something had happened to the ship and you were in trouble..."

"I'm zorry for zcaring you like zhat...I had no vay of telling you vhat vaz going on...I hope it didn't zcare you too much..."

"I'll be fine now I know you, what have you been up to??? Any exciting adventure stories???"

"Nozhing to report here...anyzhing happening back home???"

"Well fuel went up...and Harry from work is retiring but apart from that life here on earth is pretty boring...I miss you..."

"I mizz you too...but it'z only a few more years and zhen I'll be back home and I'll be all yourz..."

"I look forward to it...but for now I should go...I've got to go in early tomorrow and it's getting late..."

"I zhould probably go az vell...but ve vill speak zoon (Y/N)...I lowve you..."

"I love you too Pavel...speak soon..."

And with that, the call ended...and you felt relieved to know your worrying was for nothing...Pavel was fine, he wasn't in any danger...and he'd be back to you shut off your computer and started to drift into sleep, unaware or what was yet to happen to the enterprise and it's crew...


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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