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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


"Pavel, guess what!!!"


"I'm engaged!!!"

"Your vhat?!"

"Engaged...Jack just proposed..."

"But I zhought zhat you had broke up???"

"We had...but he invited me over to talk and one thing led to another and he proposed and well...I said yes!!!"

"Oh...vell, congratulationz"

Pavel walked away from me and I couldn't help but feel like I'd done something to upset him...he seemed fine until I mentioned the engagement...

Once Jack and I had come up with a date for the wedding I debated whether or not to send Pavel an invitation...he hadn't been talking to me lately and appeared to be ignoring me...I ended up sending one because he was my best friend after all, and it wouldn't be right if he wasn't there...turns out I had wasted my time, my wedding day came and Pavel was no where in sight...I can't lie, it hurt not having him there and I was almost running out my wedding to go find him but I didn't, I decided I would find him the next day and find out what was going on...

I found him in his quarters, he invited me in and we sat down on the edge of his bed together, I could see him looking at my left hand with what appeared to be hurt in his eyes.

"Pasha, please tell me what's going on..."

"Zheres nothing going on..."

"You forget that we're best friends...I know you're lying to me..."

"Vine...I vas hoping zhat if you and Jack broke up zhat maybe..."

"Maybe what???"

"Maybe zhat ve could haff tried dating..."


"It vaz a zilly ide..."

I didn't let him finish...I ended up kissing him, and he didn't reject. One thing led to another and we ended up 😉😉😉.

Afterwards, we were lying in his bed cuddle together and as I was laying there it hit me...I was married now, and my husband thought I'd just came to see my friend and make sure he was ok.  I sat up and Pavel sat up and pulled me close to him.

"Pavel stop..."

"But I..."

"This was a mistake..."


"No...Pavel I'm married now...we're both gonna have to deal with that..."

"But i love you..."

"And I love you too Pavel...but I love Jack too...I married Jack...and no matter what I feel for you or you feel for me, we can't change the fact I'm with someone else, and it was wrong of me to hurt him like this...goodbye Pavel..."

I got ready and left...I couldn't hurt Jack like matter how much it hurt me to walk out of that room and leave Pavel alone...


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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