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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


We had a week of shore leave so me and Chekov decided that we would visit my parents. Chekov seemed really excited about meeting them, I on the other hand was scared of what might happen. I have taken other boyfriends to meet my parents and the meetings have gone well but they were all my age, Pavel wasn't my age, he was in fact younger me. Hopefully they would all get along.

We stepped off the transporter and I looked around, I spotted my mum and dad at the back of the crowd. I grabbed Chekov's hand and dragged him with me. When we managed to escape the crowds I ran up to my parents and hugged them tightly, I hadn't seen them in so long.

"(Y/N)...your here...We've missed you so much"

"I've missed you guys too"

You stopped hugging your mum and dad and took Pavel's hand, you pulled him towards your parents so you could introduce them.

"Mum, Dad...this is Pavel...Pavel, this is my mum and dad"

Your mum instantly pulled Pavel into a hug, you couldn't help but smile at how much they were getting along, you then noticed your dad was being a bit quite. He was staring at Pavel and you knew, if looks could kill...

"Pavel it's so good to finally meet you, (Y/N)'s told us so much about you"

"All good i vould hope..."

Pavel then held his hand out for your dad.

"Mr (Y/L/N), it'z zo good to finally meet you"

Your dad was hesitant but eventually shook Pavel's hand.

"I'm afraid i do not feel the same about meeting you"


"I'm just being honest (Y/N), look at him...he's looks like he could pass for half your age, I'm sorry but I must let you know that if had known how old he was, i would have never let you continue this relationship"

"Mr (Y/L/N)..."

"No, you stay out of this"

"Dad stop it!!! I love Pavel, i do not need your approval to have a relationship with someone...if you dont like who i go out with then that's your problem, not mine..."

There was an awkward silence between the four of you. You avoided looking your dad in the eye, you were so angry with him.

" about we go home and have something to eat, you must be starving after the long journey"

"Actually mum, beaming only takes a few seconds"

"Oh, i dont understand all this technical stuff...what happened to a simple plane or its all beaming and what not...but you still need some food in you, space food isn't as good as a home cooked meal"

"Couldn't agree vith you more Mrz (Y/L/N)"

The four of you started to walk to your parents car. As you walked, you held Pavel's hand, much to the annoyance of your dad.

*time skip brought to you by neutron cream...*

You reached your childhood was just like you remembered it. You all got out the car and headed inside, nothing had changed, all the ornaments were in the same place, you felt as if the house was stuck in a time loop but you didn't felt like home that was all that mattered.

"Well I'll go put some lunch on..."

"I vill help you Mrz (Y/L/N)..."

"Oh you don't have to Pavel..."

"No, i inzizt..."

"Well ok then...this way"

Your mum and Pavel went to tbe kitchen. You turned to your dad to find him already gone, you looked in the living room but he wasnt there, you looked upstair but he wasnt there either then you walked out the back door and over to the shed, you opened the door to find your dad sitting at his work bench. You walked over and sat next to him to watch what he was doing.

"What you fixing???"


You looked into his hands to see the some of the pieces from your old dolls house. When you were 5, your dad had brought home a beautiful wooden dolls house, you played with it all the time but when you were 13, you invited some friends over, they saw the house and said it was for children, the started to kick it and trample on it till it was no longer recognisable. On the outside you pretented that you didn't care but on the inside you were broken...that dolls house ment the world to you. When your "friends" left you cried your eyes out, your mum and dad tried to comfort you but it was no use. Your dad said that he'd fix it no matter how long it hadn't realised he was serious, you thought he'd just said it to you to stop you from being so upset.

"My dolls house..."

"I made you a promise...I intend to keep it"

"Dad, I'm sorry for arguing earlier..."

"No sweetheart, I'm sorry...the day your dolls house broke, i saw you fall apart...i dont want to see that happen again"

"Dad, Pavel would never..."

"I know he wouldn't hurt you but that doesn't mean an old man wont worry, especially about his daughter...his age doesn't bother me, i just was trying to think of an excuse to pull you two apart...can you forgive your old dad???"

"Of course i can forgive you dad, i love you...i love Pavel too...he'd never hurt me, ever, and his age doesnt matter to me"

"When did you start being so mature???"

"I'll have you know i have always been mature..."

"Oh so your not the girl who had a tantrum over not getting a new phone when you were 16???"

"Uhh...i think you must be thinking of someone else, i totally wouldn't do something like that..."

"Of course you wouldn't...come give your old dad a hug"

You hugged your dad tightly, you stayed like this till you heard someone calling on you both.

"That'll be your mother with lunch, lets go eat"

You and your dad got out of the shed and headed into the house, you sat beside Pavel at the dinner table while your dad sat across from you. Your mum brought over plates of chicken and potatoes wirh gravy and vegetables.

"Mum, i thought this was supposed to be lunch..."

"It is...i just thought you would want a hearty meal since you hadn't had one in so long...what with all that airdried food you have in space"

"Mum, we have a replicator that can make any type of food"

"Its still not proper eat up before it gets what do you two have planned for the rest of your holiday???"

"Well after here we are going to go see Pavel's parents in Russia..."

You watched your dad, he calmly turned to Pavel.


You were nervous about what was going to come out of your dads mouth.

"'ll have to bring them to meet us, since you and (Y/N) seem like a solid couple then we're all practically family, we would be delighted to meet them"

"I'm zure zhey vould love to meet you both too"

You were proud of your dad, he seemed to be accepting the idea of your new relationship, you knew that he'd come round, eventually.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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