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Here's another imagine. Requests Open. Enjoy!!!


If someone had told you that within a year of meeting each other you and Chekov would be married, you'd have called them crazy...if they had told you that a few weeks after getting married and you would have a baby, you would have slapped them, but that was how your life had turned out.

You had always know that you and Pavel had a special connection especially since you were both the same age, and being the younger ones on the ship meant you would hang out with one another a lot of the time. On the night of your birthday Pavel decided to take you for a drink, since you were both old enough to do so now. It got to the point that you and Pavel were both drunk and in that state, one thing lead to another and...😉😉😉. Anyway, the morning after that you had woken up and found Pavel sound asleep beside you, you knew you wanted to be with him, he just looked so peaceful and being in that bed beside him just felt so...right.

When Pavel woke up, you knew he felt the same because he asked you to be his girlfriend and you accepted. Within a few months, you found yourself on earth, watching the sunset. You had turned to hug Pavel but you found him on one knee instead, he proposed to you just before the sun light disappeared completely, and once again, you accepted. It may have seemed quite fast to get engaged but it felt right and Pavel made you happy so no-one else's opinion mattered to you, also, being on the enterprise can be dangerous, you never know what's going to happen...if someone's gonna get hurt, or die...when it came to working for the federation, getting engaged made a lot of sense because life's to short.

The wedding was incredible, it was held on earth in Russia with your crew and some close family. The Jim had offered to preform the ceremony and both you and Pavel agreed that it seemed like the right thing to do, and so you and Pavel were now a married couple, however, what you didn't know was that the night of the wedding was also the night you became pregnant with little Ethan.

It was weird because you didn't realise how incomplete your life had been till the moment you held your baby boy in your arms...suddenly life became so much more clearer. You and Pavel grew closer as your family expanded and life couldn't have been better. It's just so intriguing how life doesn't always go the way you turns out so much better.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests are open.

~Clo X

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