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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


"I forbid you to see that man ever again!!!"

"I love him and you know that!!! You can't keep us apart mum...we are meant for each other and nothing you do will change that, I'm an adult...I can make my own choices"

"As long as your living under my roof, you will follow my rules and one of my rules is that you are not allowed to date this Bones and that's final"

"Fine then..."

You ran upstairs to your room and started to pack your things into your suitcase, you didn't own a lot since your stepdad made you get rid of most of your possessions, so everything that was special fit in one suitcase. You looked around your room for the final time before heading back down stairs to face the music.

"What do you think your doing young lady"

"Well you said I couldn't date Leo as long as I was living under your roof, so you figure it out"

"Don't speak to your mother like that (Y/N)"

"You stay out of's you that has caused all this, you waltz in here and try and control everything. You turned my mum against me, forced my dad out of the picture and tried to play happy families, well guess what...I hate you!!! I hate both of you!!!"

You ran out the front door with your case and down the street, you heard shouting from behind you but you never stopped running, it was hard to run with a suitcase behind you but you managed until you reached your destination, Leo's house. You walked nervously to the door and knocked, you waited for a bit until Leo appeared at the door.

"(Y/N)??? What are you doing here so late darlin'???"

"I've finally did it, I've left that horrid house..."

You didn't realise until that moment that you'd been holding in tears, Leo simply pulled you into a hug and kissed your head.

"That must have been hard darlin' but I'm so proud of you"

"I didn't know where else to go..."

"My door is always open for you, you know that...I wont let them hurt you again"

"I love you Leo"

"I lowve you too (Y/N), now why don't you come in...we could watch a movie if you like"

"Can we watch a Disney one???"

"Wouldn't have it any over way darlin'"


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now