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Here's another imagine, I'm dedicating this one to my Step-Dad cause it's his 56th Birthday today. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


The ideal family is two parents who are happily married and together they raise a family...that's all I ever wanted in life, but sadly I wasn't to have my dream life, instead I would meet a guy, have a baby at an age that I still needed my mother, the guy ran off with a newer model that wouldn't tie him down meanwhile I was left to look after my daughter, alone...having been rejected by my family I was doomed to give my child a life to be ashamed of, a life that she would later hate me for, if she survived that was. I was homeless, jobless and with a baby I couldn't take care of...but then my luck changed...

As I was on the streets begging for help, a boy, bit much older than me, approached, he told me he would help me...he helped me back to his home where I met his mother and father, they welcomed me into their home with open arms, I didn't know then nor did they know me, but these people were not looking down on me in disappointment or disgust as my family or many others had done, no, they looked at me for what I was, a young girl who'd had a hard time in life and needed a family...

The family had been the Chekovs, they were a family originally from Russia but had moved in order for their son, Pavel, to pursue his career...speaking of Pavel, he was the boy that I had met in the streets, over time, he and I grew closer, he cared for me and my daughter.

Fast forward to know, Pavel and I are daughter, our daughter, I getting a happy childhood that she will look back on and life was changed because of the kindness in Pavel's heart, he didn't have to help me that day on the street, nor did he have to love me or my daughter, but he chose to because he wanted to and he has given me the family I always dreamed of...and I, in return, will love him eternally.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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