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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for over 9k reads on this book, it means a lot ❤️❤️❤️)


"Leo, can I take this blindfold off yet???"

"Not yet...just a bit further darlin'"

Today you had been dating Bones for 5 whole years and Leo, being the romantic he always is...has planned a surprise for you and so now you are walking blindfolded through the enterprise. You were starting to get impatient with how long this walk was taking but you knew that the surprise would be worth it.

" you can look"

You took the blind fold off and your eyes were greeted by a picnic set up on the observation deck...You could feel yourself getting slightly emotional, you had really done well when it came to picking boyfriends. Leo was just so adorable. You felt Leo's arms wrapping around your waist from behind, you leaned you head back to rest on his shoulder.

"Do you like it darlin'???"

"Leo, I love it...this is perfect"

"Nothing but the best for my girl"

Leo took hold of your hand and walked you over to the picnic, you both sat down on the rug...Leo really was incredible, he managed to bring all your favourite foods. You then heard your favourite song start to could feel tears in your eyes, so before they could fall you pulled Leo into a hug, which he happily returned.

"Leo...this is amazing...thank you"

"I'm glad you like it...happy anniversary (Y/N)"

"Happy anniversary"

"So, how about we start eating...I'm starving..."

"Me too..."

You both started enjoying the picnic food while also chatting about how each other's days had both work in the medbay, and usually it was quite busy there but had been surprisingly quite...finally, a day no-one had majorly hurt wouldn't last long though, something will probably happen by tomorrow, you could bet on it.

After finishing the food, you and Leo lay together on the rug and enjoyed one another's company. You looked down at your watch and it was getting quite late so you sat up, Leo also sat up. You were about to stand up to get ready to leave but Leo took hold of your hand to stop you...

"Wait...I want to ask you something..."

"Okay...what's up???"

"(Y/N)...since they day I met you, I knew you were the one for're gorgeous, you're intelligent, you stand up for yourself and're perfect. The past two years of my life have been the best, and I never want that to end...(Y/N), I can't live without you, whenever we are apart I count the seconds till I can hold you what I'm trying to say is...(Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N), will you marry me???"

Leo the reached into his pocket and presented you with a gorgeous engagement ring.

Leo the reached into his pocket and presented you with a gorgeous engagement ring

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A smile appeared on both of your faces and after Leo slipped the ring on your finger, you pulled him into a passionate both stayed like this for a while, savouring this moment.

"I love you (Y/N)"

"I love you too Leo...always have, always will"




Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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