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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you for over 15k reads on this book, it means a lot to me that people actually read my work. You guys are amazing ❤️❤️❤️)


You had just finished your shift and was heading back to your quarters. You typed in your passcode and entered the room, you walked along the small hall way and was surprised at how quite it was. 3 weeks ago you gave birth to a baby boy, Ben, and since bringing him home, it has been rare to have a moments peace, if he wasn't crying he was giggling the cutest of giggles, you loved your little boy, you really did, but sometimes you just needed a few minutes of silence and that is what you had for the now. You walked into your and Bones's bedroom and instantly your heart melted, there was Leo with Ben lying on his chest both sound asleep, it was just too cute. You quietly got changed into some casual clothes and sat on the edge of the bed just watching the two most important people in your life having an adorable moment together.

After about 20 minutes, you noticed Ben starting to stir, then his beautiful eyes opened. He looked around the room and when his eyes spotted you he started to become really happy. The biggest smile appeared on his face and he tried to crawl over to you but he couldn't figure out how to get out his daddy's grip. You watched as he tried to solve the dilemma he was in but then you noticed that he was starting to whimper, which would lead to him crying so you picked him up gently and took him into the other room. You sat on the couch and played peek-a-boo with Ben, he loved it. He was so adorable, you were so happy he was in your life.

When you first realised you were pregnant, you were terrified. You and Bones were only 21 and a child was a huge responsibility. You were convinced that Leo would leave you when you told him the news, he didn't have to stand by you, he could have gotten on with his life, but thankfully he didn't. He stuck by you no matter what, he wanted to help you in anyway he could, he wanted to be a proper dad to the baby and you were grateful to have him for support. When it came to giving birth, you panicked, you didn't feel like you'd be strong enough to do it but Bones was right beside you, encouraging you to do it and you were glad he did because as soon as you saw your little boy, you fell in love with him, he had his dads hair but your eyes, he was perfect. He still is perfect.
After about an hour of peek-a-boo, Leo emerged from the bedroom and sat beside you, he kissed Ben's head and then kissed your lips.

"How are my two favourite little darlin's???"

"We're great, aren't we Ben???"

You tickled Ben's tummy and he giggled in response.

"I love this..."

"Me too"

"Thank you"

"For what???"

"For giving me something I didn't know I needed"

"I should be thanking you as well played a part in making him too you know"

"I know but you did most of the work..."

"Well, I suppose I did"

The two of you just laughed and you expected Ben to join in but he was silent, you both looked down to see him sound asleep. You carefully stood up and took Ben to his crib and laid him down gently. You felt Leo wrap his arms round your waist and the two of you watched your beautiful son sleep. You eventually turned in his arms to face him and wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. Leo then lifted you off the ground and you wrapped your legs around him, while still kissing, he walked over to your bed and laid you down, since Ben was asleep the two of you had a bit of time to yourself 😉😉😉.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now