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Here's another imagine. Requests are open.


You were sitting in your medical class, today there was supposed to be a guest speaker, the Captain of the starship enterprise was coming to your class to talk to you all about what life was like being in space, you were so excited.

"Alright class, settle down...I'd like you to meet Captain James Tiberius Kirk, he will be talking to you today about what he does, I would like you all to listen were carefully as one day you could be doing the same job he does."

Captain Kirk walked into the class and stood infront of the class, he looked around the class and you had to say, he looked rather handsome.

"Good afternoon guys, I'm Captain Kirk but most people call me Jim. I am the Captain of the enterprise. I remember sitting in this academy not to long ago being taught the same things you all are, I enjoyed my time here. When I first joined the enterprise I wasn't actually supposed to be aboard, but after the romulan attack, that I'm guessing you all know about, the Captain at the time was captured and although his first officer Mr Spock didn't like me very much I managed to get him to let me be Captain and I've been so most of the time since then. As my good old friend Bones would say, Space is a dark and dangerous place, anything could happen out there, anyone could get injured or even killed, but at the end of the day, you have a job to do, and for me, my job is to make sure my crew, my family, are safe, you have to prepare for anything and be able to react quick and save people, you have no time to hesitate..."

Jim's speech was very inspirational, he told you all of different scenarios that have occurred during his time on the enterprise and warned you of redshirts??? Apparently they were the ones most likely to get injured or killed, that seemed a bit brutal. By the end of the talk you were eager to learn and more determined than ever to become a crew member on a starship.

*timeskip because krall is counting on it...*

You did graduated the academy and was now a fully qualified communications officer. You were so excited to learn what starship you were assigned to. You were so excited that you practically ran to the board and looked through all the names till you found your own.

(Y/N) (Y/L/N) - Bridge Crew - USS Enterprise

Oh my god!!! You'd made it on to one of the best ships on the fleet!!! You jumped with excitement before running happily to the right shuttle to take you to your new home/work. When you arrived on the enterprise, you couldn't believe you'd finally made it...of all the star ships, you made it on to the same one as the man who inspired you to work hard. You were guided to the bridge by your new co-worker lieutenant Nyota Uhura, she seemed really nice, you hoped that maybe you would be friends. When you arrived on the bridge you could have cried you were that happy.

"You seem familiar...have we met before???"

You turned to find a confused looking Jim Kirk.

"Oh, hello...I'm (Y/N), you gave a talk to my class a few months ago...can I just say, I found your words very inspiring"

"Ah yes, I remember now...well I'm glad I could inspire such a beautiful woman such as yourself to join my ship"

Was he flirting with you??? Surely not, he was your superior...that would be unprofessional.

"Uhura, why don't you get back to work...I'll show (Y/N) around"

Uhura left and Jim began his tour, he showed you all around the enterprise and then introduced you to some of the crew, he then took you outside a door.

"...and this is my quarters, if you ever need someone, my door is always open for you"

"Can I ask you a question..."

"Ask away"

"Do you always personally give tours to new recruits???"

Jim stood for a moment as if he was thinking about something then the next thing you knew, he put his hands on your cheeks and  pulled you into a kiss. You were shocked but didn't resist. When you stopped kissing you just stared into each other's eyes.

"I'll take that as a no then..."


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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