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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by @Agent-Tori-Claw :Can I request a Spock imagine? Valentine's Day is coming up in a couple of days, the reader is trying to teach Spock about the romantic holiday.

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


"So (Y/N)...what have you and the hob goblin got planned for Valentine's Day???"

"I'm not really sure...I thought maybe Spock was gonna plan something romantic but when I asked him, he didn't seem to understand what I meant..."

"Well that's not surprising...he thinks he knows everything but he doesn't...he probably has nothing planned cause he must not know what the holiday is..."

"I suppose your right...a day of expressing emotion doesn't really seem like a vulcans natural environment...but what should I do??? I want this year to be special...it's our first Valentine's Day as a couple...I want it to be perfect..."

"Well then why don't you go talk to him about it...explain what it means and I'm sure he'll help you plan something incredible..."

"You think I should???"

"You'll regret it if you don't..."

"Your right...thanks Leo, I'll see you tomorrow..."

"See ya darlin'...and good luck"

I made my way to the bridge, each step I took I tried to figure out what I would say. I've never really had to explain Valentine's Day before...I didn't really know where to begin. Before I knew it, I was on the bridge, everyone was busy working away, including Spock, I carefully made my way over to him.

"Umm...Spock???...can I talk to you for a second???"

Spock stopped what he was doing and instantly stood up and turned to face you.

"Of course...to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit..."

"Well...you see, Valentine's Day is coming up...and I know that you culture isn't really found of the whole expressing feelings and what not but, well, I want to show you that I really love you and I want to celebrate that love on Valentine's Day but I don't know how...so I was wondering if you could help me plan something..."

"I would be happy to assist you in your preparations but i wonder if we could discuss this in a less open space..."


I took hold of Spock's hand and together we walked down to my quarters. Once there we both sat on the edge of my bed and the conversation continued.

"I don't mean to imply that I wasn't engaged in our conversation, but would you mind explaining again what this Day of Valentine is about???"

"Well, Valentine's Day is just a day for people to celebrate their love for one another...some say that it's just a way for shops to make money...but I believe their is some form of meaning to the day...and I know you might not understand completely but, I want this year to be special because this year, I get to celebrate it with you..."

"I may not see great meaning behind such an event, however, I can see that this holiday is of great importance to you and so, it is of great importance to me too...and I have no preference as to what we do in said date...because as long as I'm with you, I'm more than happy"

"Aww Spock...your so romantic...i love you..."

"And I love you..."

"Happy Valentine's Day Spock"


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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