Kirk (Part 2)

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Here is Part 2 of the previous Kirk imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


Spock and I were walking to the bridge when I felt someone grab my shoulder, I was pulled back and I found myself losing my balance. I went to grab Spock's arm, and he reached out for me, but before I knew it, the same person that had grabbed me had caught me and I had now come face to face with the unknown hero.


"Anytime...the names Jim, Jim Kirk"

"I'm (Y/N)..."

"A beautiful name for a beautiful woman..."

"Captain, I fail to see why you must still have a hold of my sister in such a forceful way..."

"Oh, sorry..."

Jim stood me back up and let go of me, we found each other gazing into each other's eye, but the moment soon came to a gaily when Spock once again butted in...

"If you'll excuse us Captain, I must see my sister to her station..."

"Of course Spock...I'll see you around (Y/N)..."


Spock grabbed my arm and began to drag me away while I looked back and found Jim staring back at me...we eventually lost view each other and I turned to look where I was going, I tried to wriggle my arm out of Spock's grasp but there was no use...he wasn't letting me go anytime soon.

"Spock, what's your problem???"

"My problem is that after having me tell you my opinion of Jim, you still go against my warning and put yourself in a place that will most likely get your heart broken..."

"Spock, I'm a big girl now, I can look after myself...speaking of which, let go of me..."

"I only wish to protect you dear sister...I do not wish for harm to be brought to you, please, listen to me when I say that Jim Kirk is not someone you should be considering as a mate..."

"Don't call it that...and besides, it's my life Spock, I can do what I want..."

"I promised our mother that I'd look after you...that I'd protect you...please let me do what I promised...stay clear of Jim..."

"Fine...but only because you promised mum..."

"Thank you"


A few days later after keeping my ridiculous promise to my weirdo of a brother, I ended up walking into Jim in one of the corridors...I didn't deliberately walk into him, I just wasn't paying attention as to where I was going and besides, I promised Spock that I'd stay clear of Jim, but that didn't say anything about accidentally walking into him...

"Oh, hello (Y/N)...I haven't seen you in a while..."

"Yeah...well you know what work can be like...never a moments piece..."

"That's true...anyway, I was meaning to ask you, would you like to come to my quarters tonight??? We can watch a movie or know, have some fun for a change..."

I thought in my head as to what Spock had said, and although I loved my brother and knew he wouldn't agree with this but, it's my life...I can do what I want...

"Sure...sounds great, I'll be there at 6pm"

"See you then..."

*time skip brought to you by mr sensitive*

I woke up the next morning to find Jim staring at me.

"You know, it's really creepy, watching people sleep..."

"But you looked so peaceful, I couldn't help but just watch you..."

"So...last night was fun..."

"It was...say, how about we make this a more permanent thing..."

"What do you mean???"

"I mean, why don't you be my girlfriend..."

"I can't..."

"Why not???"

"Because Spock would kill me..."

"Then we don't tell can stay between you and me...please???"

"Fine...but if Spock finds out, I'm coming after you..."

"Please do..."

"Your such a creep..."

"So why you still here???"

"Cause your my creep and I love you..."

"I love you too..."

"What time is it???"




"I'm late for my shift...oh god, Spock's gonna be so mad..."

"Relax...I'm the captain remember, I'll talk to him..."

"Didn't we not just discuss why that would be a terrible idea..."

"Oh yeah...well quick...get a move on..."

"I'm trying..."


There will be a Part 3. Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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