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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


*Chekov's POV*

I remember the day I asked (Y/N) to be my girlfriend as if it were yesterday...I still find it hard to believe she'd stuck with me for 3 years...anyway, we had been wandering around Yorktown and I had taken her to a nice cafe for lunch...she thought it was my way of saying thank you for the fact she'd helped me with some overdue paperwork I had but I also had plans of my own. As we were eating I asked her if she'd like to go out with me and she gladly accepted...ever since then we had basically been inseparable, up until recently that is...

For the last week or so I had noticed that (Y/N) often didn't spend a lot of time with me...she always seemed to have to rush off for something. When I eventually got time to ask her what was going on, she'd change the subject or run off again in a work related the days turned to weeks...which was rapidly turning into months...I became more and more concerned as to what she was actually doing...I was worried she'd found someone better or just didn't have the heart to tell me she didn't love me anymore...whatever the reason, I knew it was something big, mainly because whenever I brought it up with someone else, even they would avoid answering me...I tried talking to Sulu about it thinking that because he was my best friend, he'd never keep something from me but even he became nervous and would try to take me off topic but I could see he was hiding something...they all were...

I was in my room one night drowning my sorrows in a bottle of scotch when there was a knock at the door...I reluctantly got up and staggered over to the door and opened it, on the other side was my supposed girlfriend standing there smiling innocently at me as if nothing was happening.

"Hey Pavel..."

"Vhat do you vant?!"

"Pavel, are you ok???"

"I'm vine...newer better...nice of you to ewentually take notize of my exziztanze..."

"Pavel...honey, are you drunk..."

"So vhat if I am...vhat do you care???"

"Pavel I'll always care about you...I love you...what would make you thi..."

"...oh I don't know...maybe zo vact you haff been awioding me...going behind my back...making a vool of me..."

"Pavel...I swear I didn't mean to make you feel like this...I was just stressed with planning..."

"Planning vhat?!"

"...come with me..."

I followed (Y/N) out of my quarters and down the hallway to her room. She stopped outside the door and turned to face me.

"I've wanted this to be perfect...I made sure no one let slip to you what I was doing and I realise now just how bad it seemed but I really hope this surprise makes up for it..."

She opened the door and gestured for me to walk ahead, so I did...I walking into her room and was greeted by a romantic scene...with candles and rose petals...I turned around to go hug (Y/N) and was instantly shocked to see her down on one knee...

"Pavel...I know this is usually the other way round but you know I'm not one for tradition so here we go...Pavel from the moment we met I knew you were the perfect guy for me...your smart, funny, handsome...and the kindest person I have ever known...I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I hope you feel the same about me because I really do love you so...Pavel Chekov...will you marry me???"


(Y/N) stood up and I instantly picked her up and spun her around...I couldn't believe how lucky I was to be with such a great woman as (Y/N)...she really was incredible and know she was gonna be mine forever...

"I lowve you so much"

"I love you too"


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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