passionated night

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"Jessica wakes up and see the time is 11:30 she rushes up from bed and puts on some clothes and hurry to the studio "

" I'm sorry I'm late "

" it's fine go and get ready so we can start I can start shoot the other scene at the time"

" Jessica smiles and goes to her trailer to get her hair and makeup done when she hears the door "

Come in " Jessica yells from her chair"

" hey jess how was you're lunch with mr handsome yesterday "

" my lunch with Danny was good "

" jessica look who's late today " Danny laughing "

" yeah hehe I guess it was my turn today "

" yeah it looks like that "

" well I'm gonna leave you two alone "

" no it's ok you two can continue to talk I'm gonna go and make a phone call I see you soon " Danny smiles and walks away "

" oh how is it with you and Sam ?"

" it's good thanks "

" oh why don't we all go to the bar tonight and take a drink or two "

" sounds good you should invite the whole cast " Jessica smiles and walks over to Ryan "

" jess hey it's you're and Danny's turn now we gonna film the apartment scene "

" is it that part when the have sex?"

" yes it is eh do you know where Danny is "

" yeah he was gonna go and make a phone call "

" can you go and see if you can find him "Ryan smiles "

" yeah sure " Jessica walks to Danny's trailer and knocks on the door "

" come in " Danny yells "

" Jessica open the door and walks into Danny trailer " hey Ryan told me to go and get you we gonna shoot  the apartment scene now "

" oh ok I will be there in a minute "

" ok I tell him that " Jessica turns around and almost walks out when she looks at Danny again " everything ok btw?"

" yeah everything fine " Danny smiles "

" ok tell me if you wanna talk or something I'm a good listener "

" Danny smiles and stands up " thanks Jessica well well I guess we should go and shoot that apartment scene now huh"

" yeah oh btw Sarah is gonna ask the cast if everyone wanna go to the bar later and take some drinks you wanna join too"

" oh yeah that sounds amazing "

" good well come now "jessica laughing "

" the shoot the apartment scene and Sarah invites to come to the bar and drink"

" jess do you come " Sarah yells "

" I will meet you all at the bar I just need to take my things "

" oh ok fine "

" Jessica wants to her trailer and puts her clothes in her bag and text Sam that she will come home late she walks out from her trailer and see Danny's car and the parking she walks over tot Danny's trailer she walks over to him and knocks on the door "

" Jessica hey I thought everyone already left "

" the have I just did need to get my things and I saw you're car "

" oh yeah I was just gonna fix a thing I was just gonna go to the bar "

" oh ok "

" we can take my car if you want to the bar if you want "

" sure I think I'm gonna sleep here anyway tonight so I don't get late tomorrow I mean " Jessica laughing "

" oh that's smart I think I will go for that too"

" Jessica and Danny arrives to the bar in Danny's car (ofc) and see the whole cats sitting at a round table "

" over here you two " Sarah yells "

" Jessica smiles amd walks to the table " so anyone drunk yet?"

" nope not yet "

" well I guess we all sould start drink then " Evan yells "

"Many drinks later "

" so jess how does it feel to be the supreme " Sarah says and drinks her tequila "

" what I thought i always have been the supreme " Jessica laughing "

" of course you are Jessica " Emma and Evan laughing "

" you see Sarah "'

" but when Fiona dies so am I gonna be the supreme jess " Sarah laughing "

" THE SUPREME NEVER DIES " Jessica yells and makes everyone laughing "

" cheers for that " Danny and everyone else says "

" well I'm gonna go to bed but we can start later tomorrow so I see you all at 4 pm tomorrow " Ryan's says smiling "

" yeah bye " everyone yells "

" so how was it to have sex with each other " Sarah says looking at jess and Danny "

" we didn't have real sex Sarah " Jessica smiles "

" no that would be little weird " Danny laughing "

" I'm sure it would "

" well it's really late and I'm tired af so I see you af and Danny drive so so I think we gonna go back to our places" Jessica says and stands up"

" Danny stands up after jess " yeah I see you all tomorrow bye "

" oh ok bye and don't have sex" sarah yells after them "

" good night " Jessica yells "

" Danny and Jessica wants back to the studios and goes to jess trailer "

" well thanks for driving me " jess smiles "

" you're welcome and sweet dreams " Danny smiles "

" Jessica smiles and turns around and walks into her trailer when Danny grabs her arm and pulls her closer to him and kisses her passionately Jessica takes her arms around Danny's neck and jumps up and wraps her legs around his waist he walks into Jessica's trailer the takes of each other's clothes before Danny lifts up jess goes to the bed and lays her down and share a long hot passionate romantic night"


Sorry this part was not so good but I'm gonna write on this story only a while just so you all know and I hope you all did have a wonder new year welcome to 2018 btw 😘

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