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" OMG YES YES YESS " Jessica yells and kisses Danny "

" Danny smiles and hugs and kisses Jess "

" I'm gonna get married " Jessica smiles with tears "

" so am I with the most beautiful woman on this earth "

" and I with the most handsome man on this earth " Jessica smiles "

" soon the most happiest handsome man on this earth "

" Jessica smiles happy and hugs Danny "

" I have to tell Sarah and Kathy and all ahs cast members "

" we can have a party here tomorrow night " Danny smiles "

" yes omg that's an amazing idea "

" I know so you text everybody and ask if the can come tomorrow and I will continue with the dinner "

" oh I'm so excited for their reaction " Jessica smiles "

" yeah same " Danny smiles and walks have to the kitchen "

" Jessica texts everybody and invites them to a party at her and Danny's house 6 pm tomorrow and everybody replies yes "

" honey everybody is coming " Jessica smiles "

" that's good so the food is almost ready "

" perfect I'm starving "

" so are we gonna keep our last names or how do you wanna do?"

" Jessica Huston lange Danny Huston lange ?"

" ok let's keep our last names like the are now " Danny laughing "

" yeah I think so too " Jessica laughing "

" next morning "

" ok so we need to buy some different kinds of alcohol and then food and I have to clean the house "

" ok what do you say about that I'm goes and buys everything we need and you clean the house " Danny smiles "

" oh that would be perfect "

" ok let's do that then" Danny smiles "

" good that means that I'm gonna have time to take a shower too "

" wait without me "

" yeah sorry " Jessica laughing "

" it's ok I guess I can live with it "

" oh you make it sounds like you're world is gonna fall apart if you don't shower with me"

" it's exactly what is gonna happen and what is happen "

" well fine I wait for you to come home then "

" yes thanks babydoll "

" you're welcome " Jessica winks "

" Jessica cleans aroud in the house as Danny is buying the food she fix in the guest rooms just in case the all will stay for the night "

" babydoll I'm home "

" I'm upstairs "

" Danny goes and leaves the food and the alcohol in the kitchen and walks upstairs to Jess "

" what are you doing " Danny smiles "

" I did fix the guest rooms just in case the wanna stay "

" oh ok "

" what is the clock " Jessica smiles "

" it's 1 pm "

" oh we have only 5 more hours before the all comes "

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